World of Warcraft... in Minecraft

by on Apr 17, 2015

From time to time you occasionally find one of those things were you can't help but stare. This is one of those instances where I can't help but look, and look some more.

While I've seen plenty of Minecraft builds over the past several years, every once in a while I stumble across one that is truly jaw-dropping. This certainly isn't the very best that I've seen, but it definitely ranks pretty highly just out of sheer scale and accuracy.

No particular builder is credited for this work, but an individual by the handle of Rumsey is the point of contact for the entity "CraftingAzerothProject" which I would assume has to be at least a small group of people. They've even got a map that can be fully explored (similar to a dynamap) where anyone can stop in and peek around for a while.

If either Minecraft or World of Warcraft appeal to you, this is definitely worth a couple minutes of browsing around. I imagine there has to be a server out there that's building (or already has) a mod emulating the basic systems of WoW. The pure simplicity and elegance of Minecraft are some the core influences behind its popularity and rapidly growing cult-following. You can do just about anything with this game, including recreate the world's biggest MMORPG apparently.

Here are a few screenshots of a couple locations, and if you want more you can find them on the project's imgur.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016