World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria - Instance Revamp Overview

by on Mar 26, 2012

Take a first look at the changes Blizzard has brought to Ragefire Chasm, Scholomance, and the Scarlet Monastery in the new Mists of Pandaria expansion.

of World of Warcraft
players have conquered and recomputed the various low level dungeons
available in game. Found memories of battles won, friends made, and
even those not so shining moments as your group wiped over and over
again. In Mists of Pandaria players will get to see some of their
favorite instances revamped and refreshed giving them a brand new lease
on life. On this list of revamps are Ragefire Chasm, Scholomance, and
Scarlet Monastery. Join us as we give you a preview of these instances
and their fresh new faces!

Please note that the
information found in this article was pulled from the beta which is
ultimately just a glimpse of what may come in the expansion. As such
all information may become invalid once Mists of Pandaria is actually

Chasm - href="">Scholomance
- href="">Scarlet

of Pandaria - Ragefire Chasm

The Kobolds are no more, their
tiny bodies littering the floor of the chasm, instead a new enemy lurks
within the walls of Ragefire Chasm; the Dark Shaman. Based on the quest
text found at the beginning of the instance the Dark Shaman are former
members of the Horde who now work towards a dark purpose. Summing
fearsome beasts and completing an unknown amount of dark rituals that
are sure to serve no purpose of good. These Dark Shaman are referred to
as the next “Twilight’s Hammer” of WoW.

Below is a brief overview of
what is new in Ragefire Chasm:

New Trash Mobs New Bosses New Quests More Streamlined Instance Less Trash
Ragefire Chasm Bosses
style="width: 600px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
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style="text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(204, 153, 51);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Bosses style="text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(204, 153, 51);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Abilities Adarogg/Adjules

Dark Shaman Koranthal 


Lava Guard Gordoth Flame

Twisted Elements/Summon Shadow Storm

Lava Spit/Burrow

Seismic Slam/Ground Rupture
Ragefire Chasm Trash Mobs
Mature Flame Hounds Adolescent Flame Hounds Corrupted Houndmaster Corrupted Reaver Dark Shaman Acolyte Corrupted Flamecaller
Ragefire Chasm Quests

Dark Shaman

Quest Giver: Invoker Xorenth

The Dark Shaman have taken over
Ragefire Chasm and are performing dark rituals and raising beats. These
shaman are no friends of the Horde and you are instructed to fight your
way through the Chasm and kill two of their leaders; Dark Shaman
Korantal and Lava Guard Gordoth.


Giver: Commander Bagran

The Chasm is overrun with flame
hounds and lava worms who are feasting and thriving off the corpses of
the Kobalds. You are charged with clearing a path through these beasts
and take out the largest threats; Adjules and Magnaw.

Orc Left Behind

Giver: Commander Bagran

During a routine sweep of
Ragefire Chasm, Commander
Bagran discovered things are far from routine. A new menace has taken
over Ragefire Chasm and a group of scouts has gone missing. You are to
seek out five Kor’kron scouts currently missing inside the
chasm and rescue them.

New Enemy

Giver: Invoker Xorenth

The power of the Dark Shaman
has attracted many allies and are more than a small threat to the
Horde. You must make an example of these cultists and kill any you come
across and collect 5 of their Corrupted Insignias as proof of your

Chasm Screenshots
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Continue onward to the next
page for information on Scholomance!

Mists of Pandaria
- Scholomance

Scholomance is one of my, and
the rest of the WoW populations, favorite instances of all time. From
the bosses to the general feel of the instance, Scholomance is just one
of those
dungeons that sticks with you. So when I heard that
Scholomance was getting a bit of a face lift in Mists of Pandaria I was
more than a little bit curious at how this already great instance could
be improved upon.

Check out the overview of
changes coming to Scholomance:

Updated NPC Models Shorter Instance Fewer Bosses Creepier Artwork New Storyline Featuring
Lillian Voss

Scholomance has been outfitted
with new NPC models outfitted with the new Forsaken skin introduced in
Wraith. Also updated is the artwork, players will find ghostly faces on
the walls, candelabras outfitted with green fel flames, and updated
spell effects that are sure to give you goosebumps of pleasure. Truly
Scholomance has become a creepier place in Mists of Pandaria.

In addition to a creepier feel,
Scholomance has been streamlined with many of the the extra wings and
areas that are a bit off the beaten path such as the special basement
areas that once contained bosses like Rattlegore. Instead players who
enter Scholomance will find it easy to navigate with one boss falling
after another giving the instance a far more streamlined feeling. All
mini-bosses also seem to have been removed, so if you are out to get
the matching gear sets that these mobs used to drop you may want to do
so sooner rather than later.

The best part of the new
improved Scholomance, however, is the addition of Lillian Voss, the
kick ass Undead that we were introduced to in Tirisfal Glades. This
fresh new storyline is interactive and gives the dungeon a fresh new
feel that will delight new and old players alike. To keep the
freshening process rolling Blizzard has also reworked the bosses making
this feel almost like a brand new instance. Continue reading on for an
overview of the boss fights:

Scholomance Bosses

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Instructor

Found in the first room of the
instance Instructor Chillheart is a two part fight. When first engaged
the lich will cast Frostbolts and summon an Ice Wave that will slowly
make its way across the room. It my speculation that it is a good idea
to push Instructor Chillheart into her second phase before your group
gets hit with this wave. In the second phase of the fight Instructor
Chillheart retreats into the phylactery in the center of the room.
While you take ou the phylactery Instructor Chillheart will summon
hostile books and cause explosions until she is defeated.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Jandice

Jandice has been moved out of
her rather obscure
location in the crypts and relocated to the second large room found
inside Scholomance. When engaged Jandice will attack your raid with
Wondrous Rapidity, an AOE magic missile of sorts. She will also
periodically vanish and summon shadowy images of herself placed around
the room using the Whirl of Illusion spell.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Rattlegore

Rattlegore has come out of the
basement and is now located in the room that holds the bone pits.
Rattlegore only spawns after a dialog occurs between Darkmaster
Gandling and Lillian Voss after which she implores you to kill the
summoners located around the room. Once all the summoners are defeated
Rattlegore will appear in the center of the room. When engaged
Rattlegore will cast Bone Spike, a high damage ability. Players can
protect themselves from this attack by clicking on the various glowing
bone piles lying about the room.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Lillian

The next boss you will
encounter is Darkmaster Gandling…or so it seems. Instead you
get a brand new boss in the form of the formidable Lillian Voss.
Gandling attempts to bend her will, and you are forced to take her on.
As you DPS Lillian down quickly enough she will regain strength and end
the encounter by regaining her will and pouncing upon Gandling.
However, it is likely that this may not happen in which case her dark
side will emerge and health will be drained from her. While fighting
Lillian she will use the Shadow Shiv ability at which time Lillian will
jump on a players shoulders and attack them, as well as the Dark Blaze
ability. The Dark Blaze ability is an AOE that shoots white flames from
Lillian as well as leaves a flame path on the floor. After the fight
Lillian asks to be left to die alone, if this is the last time we will
see Lillian is unknown.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Professor

Professor Slate can be found in
the new classroom (complete with bored students). During the first
portion of this fight the Professor will Rend players as well as toss
Toxic Potions which leave a poison cloud on the floor. After doing some
damage to Professor Slate, he will turn into a Flesh Horror and do
increased damage until he is defeated.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Darkmaster

Darkmaster Gandling is still
the final boss of this instance, and with the imposing swirling ring of
fire that now surrounds him I was more than a bit excited to take on
this fight. Sadly, I believe that the Darkmaster Gandling fight is very
unfinished. Gandling cast Incinerate and Immolate throughout the fight,
but did little else. The mini-boss rooms still surround him and it is
likely that in the finished fight players will be teleported to these
rooms to face off against monsters unknown to rejoin the fight.

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Continue on to the next page
for information on the Scarlet Monastery!

Mists of Pandaria - Scarlet

Inside the Scarlet Monastery
players will find the area greatly changed. Only two instances of the
four are now available, one of which has been renamed while both have
been revamped and fitted with a brand new storyline. Players will be
able to enter what was once the “Graveyard” side of
Scarlet Monastery as well as the Library side. A level 90 Heroic
version of the instance has also been added. Ultimately the Scarlet
Monastery is still quite unfinished, however, from what I experienced
holds more than a little potential.

Read onward to see an overview
of the changes found in each of these instances:

Scarlet Cathedral

The Scarlet Cathedral starts in
what players know as the Graveyard. Here players will see a grisly
scene. Hordes of mindless undead rise to attack the Scarlet Crusade
members with piles of burning bodies littering the ground. At the end
of the instance, standing in front of the mausoleum, you will find the
first boss; Bloodmage Thalnos. From there players will take a doorway
that leads directly into what is considered to be the Cathedral portion
of the instance.

To make this portion of the
instance more interactive, players can collect bombs from Scarlet
Crusade members which can be detonated to do damage to undead as well
as other members of the Scarlet Crusade. While traveling through this
portion of the instance players will notice that Interrogator Vishas
has been removed. Instead the next boss encountered is Brother Korloff
found outside the cathedral doors. Inside players will find that
Scarlet Commander Mograine has been replaced by General Durand,
however, High Inquisitor Whitemane is alive and ready to cast her
rather annoying resurrection as always.

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style="text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(204, 153, 51);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Bosses style="text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(204, 153, 51);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Abilities Thalnos
the Soulrender

Brother Korloff

Commander Durand

High Inquistor Whitemane Spirit
Gate/Raise the Fallen Crusade/Evict Soul/Empowering Spirits

Blazing Fists/Firestorm Kick/Scortched Earth

Dashing Strike

Holy Smite/Mass Resurrection/Scarlet
Resurrection/Power Word: Shield
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Scarlet Halls

A combination of the Library
and the Armory players are in for an interactive treat in this
instance. Starting out in the Library players make their way down a
hallway filled with Scarlet Hounds (equipped with leashes and brand new
models!) which leads into a courtyard filled with targets. Archers here
will fire at you and
push you backwards until you pick up one of the
targets and use it to provide cover until you reach the line.

From here players will head
down another hallway to the Huntsman’s Cloister where they
will find Houndmaster Braun who has taken the place of Houndmaster
Loksey. After defeating the Houndmaster players will venture through
the Scarlet Halls until they reach a door that leads to what used to be
Herod’s room. Herod, however, has sadly been replaced by
Armsmaster Harlan.

The instance does not end here,
instead players will continue onward to what was the Library area of
the instance. Along the way players will encounter new special trash
mobs that drop sizeable portions of gold. Here the final boss is
Flameweaver Koegler who has replaced Arcanist Dean. I was not able to
presonally experience this fight for myself as the instance bugged out
time and time again after defeating
Harlan. Checking out the Scarlet Halls once it is finished should be
something on every WoW player's list.

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style="text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(204, 153, 51);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Bosses style="text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(204, 153, 51);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Abilities Houndmaster


Flameweaver Koegler Piercing
Throw/Death Blossom/Summon Dogs

Dragon's Reach/Berserker Rage/Blades of Light

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What do you think to the
changes that have been made to these three instances? Were these
changes needed or should Blizzard have left these WoW dungeons alone?
Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016