World of Warcraft Patch 5.2 Teasers

by on Dec 06, 2012

Teasers gathered from around the internet concerning World of Warcraft Patch 5.2.

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Patch 5.1 in World of Warcraft: Mists
of Pandaria has only just went live a few short days ago, and yet
some of us are already looking to the future. Not that Patch 5.1
doesn't have a lot to offer, from the exclusive Brawler's Guild, PvP
changes, and various other additions, this patch has a little
something for everyone to enjoy. However, despite all the new changes
and additions this patch has to offer, or perhaps because of them,
many of us are already dreaming of Patch 5.2.

With Patch 5.1 so freshly released,
little is known about the upcoming Patch 5.2, but Blizzard has
released some juicy tidbits and teasers already that are certainly
food for thought. In order to quench our thirst (and yours) for
knowledge about World of Warcraft Patch 5.2, we have scoured the
internet for mention of it and collected all the information we could
find into this one handy article. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: None of the
provided in this article will for sure appear in Patch 5.2. As with
all things, these are subject to change pending the release of Patch

Transmogrification Restrictions

Transmogrification was the answer to
many player's prayers when it was released several patches ago. No
longer would there have to be four other druids who looked exactly
the same in our raid groups. We could choose to look exactly how we
wanted....well...almost exactly. Transmogrification does have some
minor restrictions, some of which are more annoying to players than

It seems that in Patch 5.2 at least one
of those restrictions might finally be lifted. Check out this teasing
tweet from Zarhym, our favorite Blizzard floating skull:

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Basically, the main-hand vs. off-hand
transmog distinction will be cut, and some exceptions will be added
to the total restriction of similar weapon types. Major news for some
and minor for others, but I think we can all agree that seeing some
restrictions lifted from Transmogrification is pretty exciting and
leaves us to wonder what other restrictions might be given the boot
in the near future.

Sunsong Ranch

The Tillers are a pretty popular
faction in Mists of Pandaria. It seems that almost everyone likes
spending time at Sunsong Ranch planting and harvesting crops and
upgrading your farm. It seems Patch 5.2 will potentially give us more
to look forward to when it comes to Sunsong Ranch as mentioned in a
blue post by Brennvin:

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If these changes actually make it to
game Sunsong Ranch stands to become an even more useful and
interesting place to hang out. The only other thing I would wish for
is for more options to give personality to our farms. While nothing
of the sort is mentioned in this particular blue post, Patch 5.2 is
still far enough off on the horizon that my wish could very well be

Return of the Thunder King

While Patch 5.1 had a little something
for everyone it was lacking in one area; major raid content. This
leads us to believe that Patch 5.2 will hold the key to a new raid
dungeon. Of course every great dungeon needs a big baddie hanging out
at the end to foil raid groups. Who this raid boss may be is really
anyone's guess, however, a little tidbit provided by Wrathion could
hold the answer.

One of the Patch 5.1 captions from
Wrathion goes a little something like this:

“Stay vigilant, hero. The return of
the Thunder King is both a threat... and an opportunity!”

While not spelled out entirely, this
almost screams that we will see a raid featuring the Mogu front and

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With the likelihood of a new raid being
introduced in Patch
5.2 high, it stands to reason that soon we will be taking on the Mogu
and potentially their legendary (resurrected?) Thunder King.

Sadly, that is it folks, at least for
now. Remember, all this information is subject to change and may or
may not actually show up in Patch 5.2. Keep an eye out for more
exciting news about Patch 5.2 as its release comes closer. For now I
would love to know what you think of these possible changes and
additions coming in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2?
Have you discovered additional information concerning this patch not
mentioned in this article? What would you like to see introduced or
changed in Patch 5.2? Share your thoughts with us using the comment
section found below!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016