World of Warcraft Q&A Roundup

by on Nov 08, 2015

A mash-up of many of the questions found at the World of Warcraft Q&A panel at BlizzCon 2015.

Rounding out the World of Warcraft panels was the question and answer session. This panel had the potential to go two ways; be incredibly useless or provide insight into the burning questions we have about the game. This year, the panel took the second option. Many good questions were asked and most of them got really great answers from the developers. All in all a successful panel with much knowledge gained.. Check out this mash up of some of the more awesome questions and answers we saw today:


Q - Will Turalyon and Alleria consider the Orcs a threat since they vanished before they knew they weren't totally evil? Is this part of the Horde/Alliance strife?

A No, Turalyon and Alleria have nothing to do with the current problems with the Horde and Alliance. However, when they are finally discovered, it will change the way we look at World of Warcraft forever.

Q – Is Sargerous's Tomb just a monument or are the fallen gods remains here?

A Right now, this place is just a monument.

Q – What is protecting Dalaran from being invaded on the Broken Isles?

ADalaran has been upgraded dramatically in Legion. Also, it has some innate protections because of its mage population. However, the real answer to this question will be revealed in Legion.

Q – Will Karazhan be relevant again in Legion?

AYes. This place is tremendously important in Legion. Possibly a 5 man dungeon in a later patch?

Dungeon Challenge Mode

Q – How will we find groups for the Dungeon Challenge Modes?

AYou will not be able to use LFR to fill your group. However, you will be able o use Group Finder. With Keystones being so valuable, filling a group should be quite easy.

Q – Won't Challenge Mode group be filled with players with optimal Keystones?

A All affixes are standardized. Besides the difficulty and dungeon, all Keystones will be exactly the same all over the world.


Q – Can we please have three specializations?

AYes! Legion will allow you to have three (four in the case of Druids) specializations. Even better, you do not need to purchase extra specs. Just pick a specialization and go!

Q – Any hope of any sub-races becoming playable?

AYes, if they fit the fantasy. Possibly be able to customize your character to the sub-race of your choice. Unsure of how/when this will happen.

Game Mechanics

Q – Will we see more of a shared tap system like the one we saw on Timeless Isle for old world content?

A Developers are looking for ways to expand upon this. Legion will revolutionize the way tapping happens. Looking to implement a system that will allow a small number of players to tap a mob, this way they are encouraged to work together. Major targets, however, will continue to have an open tapping system.

Q – Why are you removing Multistrike but not Versatility?

AMultistrike doesn't fit the fantasy and having both Crit and Multistrike just doesn't make sense. Versatility is sticking around because it has some value.


Q – Any hope of cross guild chat, combined raiding scheduling, or being affiliated with more than one guild?

A This is something developers are working towards. While it won't be available at launch, the team wants to perhaps allow you to join multiple guilds. This would allow you to connect with your friends/raiders/other social circles with ease.

Dungeons and Raids

Q – Will there be more than one raid per tier in Legion?

A Two separate raid zones will be available at launch. After that, raid zones may be released as smaller raids with varying environments but still belong to the same tier.


Q – Will there be a new PvP battleground in Legion?

A No. Instead, developers will be focusing on the new honor system.

Q – Where does PvP gear come from in Legion?

APvP gear will come from drop boxes and weekly quests. It will be the equivalent to what you can obtain from raids and other places in the world. Power of the gear is directly based off of your PvP rating.

Artifact Weapons

Q – What will happen to our Artifact Weapons after Legion?

AExact details aren't to be had yet, however, it is likely that your Artifact will be a Legion only experience.

Q – Is your character locked into an Artifact Weapon even if that weapon type might not be their favorite?

A Yes. Developers wanted weapons with deep back stories so they had to limited it to a single weapon. Artifact Weapons can be transmoged into anything you wish, although they are pretty amazing if you give them a chance.


Q – Will you be releasing expansions more quickly? Once a year?

AYes, developers are still working to push out expansions at a faster pace. However, the idea has always been quality over quantity. No guarantee that we will ever see an expansion a year.

Q – Will the flying achievement be available at launch?

AThe achievement will be available. However, flying will not.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016