World of Warcraft: Siege of Boralus Guide

by on Dec 03, 2018

Take a look at Siege of Boralus and how to clear it quickly and efficiently

Siege of Boralus is an easy dungeon with a very linear path. Below I will highlight an efficient path to take if you do not have one yourself. This path will get you almost exactly 100% forces. This map is a part of the addon Method Dungeon Tools. 

Note - The purple circle is where you will want to Shroud/invis pot/death run



1. To start, head to Sergeant Bainbridge, The trash here should not pose an issue. When you see any Scrimshaw Gutters, tag them. They will only give forces if your group damages them. If you hit the Footman or walk too close the Footman will insta kill the Gutters and you will not get any forces.

2. After, you will head to Dread Captain lockwood. When you reach the pack of Powdershots and one Spotter, wither wait for them to reload or have your tank walk through it to aggro them. Another thing to note is the Spotter's artillery damages enemies as well as players, so try to place them on top of enemies. Often you lust/hero here.

3. After this you will head to Hadal Darkfathom. The Bilge Rat Demolisher's fear can be LoS'd to avoid it. If you do not need th space to kite, you can skip the Spotter pack with Shroud or invis pots. The forces are not needed.

4. After Hadal, you head straight to Viq'Goth. Typically once you reach the third platform, you lust/hero and burn the gripping add to end the fight.


This path has proven very useful for my runs. If you have Method Dungeon Tools and would like the path yourself, you can find the ugly import string below. Just copy the entire thing into your Method Dungeon tools under Import and you should be good to go.

dyYfhaGAvvrVMQuz2uHUnvPQDk7f7MkLHPQ43uLYqvvfgUQsvht5CurlMkvTCQsEkvXJvvYZvvvMivGMkLjRQuz6KUmvY1vv zZQQQ2ovattv(UQsXNvvLomvQSmvgpvqoPQsPNr01i0PPcQTrvnoc8ncAggE8M7)txFP)ddfpFJlxEh9WZ)D3xQd7n3OHhhW Do(ZfgE(6NxE5Yn9p(5OJ0(GNV(5LxUCt98Z9o6YbC5in881pV8YLBQd(ZT)6YBU9TFNdrZjEuxU8Eh2T)I7XZ3)Zrh)hgnmAy0 OrhDO0HrJo6ijjPHIshgDy0ir6iFsspusIrJgkkjXOHrJE0rIO0dJgD0rdLKpmA0OJouu6HrsrmA0OJossp6rsuseJgn6OJKKKE0d fLeXOHrJKO0HrJeqhjeLKy0OdLEy0ijkjIrJePJeqssi9iFuskIrJePJesssa9iFus(WOrsuuYhJEy0OhkjLy0OHsYhgn6rhjKKKi9iFus eJg5KoAFqjPignYjD0(GIscXijgnsIspmAKikjFy0ib0rojjTp0J2qrjbyKamA0qjFmA0qjHy0OHIsoXO9WOrcPJeqsYj9iFsKerPjIrJ gkkTpy0KyO0EyO0eXqP5JrJgknHy0OJosIsIyO0CIHsByOKtmuAhgkTpyOO0ggj9XOrhDKKK0qjPamA0qPjeJgnuuAhgjfIrJE0 rJK0rpsIstagnAOO0KyKignAcOJMtuAoXOrcOJCIIs7HrtignseLMignsIstagn6HsIy0OteLMtmA0erP5JrJouApmA0o6OjrrPjIr 3WOrdLK(y0OhDKijjF6rcjrsakDFWOrJo6ijjrPjaJgDOO08XO7WOrdfLMqm6Ey0OHsNignAO0jXOrJo6qrPjaJojgnssh9qPZhJ gnuuAoXO7HrJouu6(GrNeJgjsh5JsNign6qrPBy09WOrsu6Ky0Onuu6om6eIrJgD0HsNpgnsIsNeJgnr6O9qrPtIrYpy0OHsZh JgjrPZjgn6OJKOO09WOZjgnAO0jaJg5thjIIsNigj)GrJouA(y0OhkDoXOrp6iru6eGrJeIIsNpgjhgnAOO0jeJMedLMpgknHyOK8 WOrdffffpQlhsXJd66)U7NJkkaa


If you are looking for a Teeming week path, look below


dCYsiaGAQa12OsZMQKBtfs7u2l2nvKHrq(nvPAOeuXWPcWXuDoc1cPcOftfklNa5PeWYu8CQGmrcu1uPmzQaz6KUmvX1PI AZeuvBNku9zcu(obv61eOYJjOCyQGA8uH4KeuLNr01uQttvkttjJJq(gv1CmeW7oMd2JWuhcdfbeUE8i4ixeq47Wct9M3DIoc4 4oSxo7bdbeMZcsqECsfoo7Lx04IacZzbjipoPc4SJ5Lhh3Jx0raH5SGeKhNubVZojyE8UtcphKJqxmcOE84OEZjbdhic4aC2lV Cim6y0XOtNgAqPbJon0qssshfLgmAWOtBAixsslusIrNokkjXOJrNw0qBuAHrNgAOJsYfgD60qdkkTWi5gJoDAOHK0IwKeL2 y0PtdnKKK0IwOO0gJogDsIsdgDsenKpkjXOtdkTWOtsuAJrN20qIij5tlYfLKBm60MgYNKKiArUOKCHrNKOOKlgj3y0jX0qxius kXOthLwy0PfkTXOtIPHUqOKCHrNw0q(KK20ICrrjFmsIrNKO0cJoTrj5cJojIgsmjPleTOFuusegjcJoDuYfJoDuYhJoDuusmg9f gDYNgsejjX0ICPnTrPVXOthfLUqy0SWqPlXqPVWqPVXqPrIHs3fJoDu6(y0PHgsIsBmu6IXqPzJHs)yO0fcdL(GHsIXqrPFms6I rNgAijjPJssry0PJs3hJoDuu6dgj9XOtNgAijTOfjrPlcJoDuu6sm6lm60fIg6hLUpgDAHsFJrNguu6lmAJrN(Mg6UKKUpTOFAtFi x6sYN(cLUym6Kpn0jjn0Iw0M2KljjFYffL(gJUpgk9ngk9fgkTXOtxen0fJsxmgDsenKyuu6Uy09XOtBu6Bm6KeLUim60cL(cJo9 Hg6su6IXOtFJsBm60SrP7IrNguu6(y0Cm60rjPlgDArdTjj5slYN2KiuAecJoDAOHKKeLUim60GIsxegndgD6OO0fJrxegkDxm6 Kln0gLK(yOO0iegnlm60rPzJrNoknsm60qdDuuAognsm6KKgAHsJlgD6OO0my0SWOtdkknsmAKy0PnnKlknBm60GIsZcJM fgDsIsJeJo9JIsZgJgFm60PHguACXOtsuAKy0PVPH(cfLgxmAKy0Pp0qxIsZgJoTqrPXhJKcHrNokDxm6KeLgXy0PHgsIIsJi mAeJrNoknIWOtU0qBuuAeJrsHWOtdkDxm60cLgXy0Pfn0gLgry0jFuuskegjpgD6OOK8yKCWOthLUlgkDFmu6smuuuueq94i kcyE84OEZjbdfaa

If you would like to check out other dungeon guides like this. Look Here.



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Last Updated: Dec 03, 2018