Worst Class in the World of Warcraft?

by on Dec 14, 2009

Nerf Druids! Buff Paladins! You are way too OP! Man that was a typical Hunter move! Every World of Warcraft player is familiar with these discussions.

Nerf Druids! Buff Paladins! You are way too OP! Man that was a typical
Hunter move! Every World of Warcraft player is familiar with these
discussions. On the forums, in vent, and even in general chat, most
players will readily point out which classes they feel are OP, or which
are more prone to spells of general silliness. But if you look hard
enough you can find faults in almost every class, it’s with
this in mind that Mem takes on the challenge of answering what is the
worst class in World of Warcraft?

In reality we all know
that most of these things we think about other
classes cannot be even mostly true. If that were the case then all of
our raids would be comprised of one class. My wife at this point is
directing my attention to the old school video of 40 druids taking down
Onyxia, in an attempt to show me that indeed her class is and always
has been far superior to my own

To read more click href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/77985" target="_blank">

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016