WotLK CE Available Again

by on Nov 11, 2008

<strong>ZOMG! This is what we've been waiting for!</strong>

ZOMG! This is what we've been waiting for!

We don't know how many they have or how long it will last, but Gamestop.com is once again offering the coveted Collector's Edition for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

The original allocation of the Collector's Editions sold out within approximately four hours, and it looked as if Blizzard intended the collector's edition to be a truly rare item this time around. Many devoted fanatics like myself were disappointed at missing our chance for a CE, but it seems that Blizzard has heard our cries. I've already snagged mine. Go get yours before it's too late!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016