WoW: 3.2 Shaman Talents and Spells Changes

by on Aug 10, 2009

On Tuesday, August 4th, Blizzard launched Call of the Crusade - Patch 3.2. They promised much needed changes to the Shaman class. Did Blizzard finally get World of Warcraft's most "universal"...

On Tuesday, August 4th, Blizzard launched Call of the Crusade - Patch 3.2. They promised much needed changes to the Shaman class. Did Blizzard finally get World of Warcraft's most "universal" and "best" class right? Or did Patch 3.2 land with a big THUD for the Shaman class. This week join Russell as he nitpicks the changes to the Shaman Talents and Spells from Patch 3.2.

In theory CH, HW, and LHW should all be doing bigger numbers when you consider all the talent changes. I find myself not totally convinced if this is actually a buff or nerf but I do think that the extra 25% increase to the jump distance of the Chain Heal is going to be really nice in instances like Ulduar where many boss fights require you and the raid to spread out. I guess you have to ask yourself if the extra distance increase of your chain heal outweigh the 10% decrease of the healing as it jumps to each target.

Read the full article Here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016