WoW Ahn'Qiraj Loot Guide, Part 2

by on May 01, 2006

<strong>A visit to the Ruins will no longer end in ruin...</strong><br /> <br /> The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj are an incredibly fun, fast small group raid instance. It is very easy to complete the entire instance (once you understand the strategies) in an eve

A visit to the Ruins will no longer end in ruin...

The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj are an incredibly fun, fast small group raid instance. It is very easy to complete the entire instance (once you understand the strategies) in an evening. Many of the bosses introduce very interesting fight mechanics and are in general a lot of fun, while not being overly difficult. In addition there is some very nice loot drops. These combine to make what is one of the most fun instances in the game, in my opinion. This is definitely an instance that you want to spend some time in, Blizzard got this one just right.

In this initial release of the guide we have the following sections live:
- Basic Information
- Reputation Item ad Quest Information Reference Sheets
- Boss 1 - Kurinnaxx
- Gallery

There is MUCH more to come over the next few weeks so check back often. By the end of May we will have a complete guide to all the Bosses and trash mobs.

The guide can be found here: WoW - TenTonHammer's Guide to the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016