WOW Bar Joke

by on Jun 21, 2006

<strong> A Warrior, a Rogue, and a Druid walk into a Bar...</strong><br /> <br /> -Bartender says, "Whad'll it be?"<br /> -The warrior says, "What you got?"

A Warrior, a Rogue, and a Druid walk into a Bar...

-Bartender says, "Whad'll it be?"
-The warrior says, "What you got?"
-Bartender says, "Actually I've got a magic ale. After you drink it, you say something you want, and it imbues you with newfound power!"
-Rogue says, "Amazing! I'll have that."
-Warrior and Druid say "Me too!"
-The rogue takes a drink and says "crit gear" and BAM, the highest dps dagger, Death's Sting, falls into his lap.
-The warrior takes a drink and says "tank gear" and a suit of Dreadnaught knocks him off his barstool.
-As the warrior and rogue are looking over their new weapons and armor the druid takes a drink and says, "hybrid gear" and a rod of healing drops into his lap.
-"What happened?" the druid says.
-Bartender says "I said it was a magic ale, not a miracle worker!"

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016