WoW: Calculated Risks

by on May 25, 2010

Whether attacking a well defended node in PvP, soloing an elite mob twice your level, or taking on an instance boss with two players AFK, World of Warcraft is full of opportunities to take risks.

Whether attacking a well defended node in PvP, soloing an elite mob twice your level, or taking on an instance boss with two players AFK, World of Warcraft is full of opportunities to take risks. Sometimes these risks place the player in a hopeless situation, while others can result in amazing successes. But making the right split second choice to push forward or fall back in these situations can sometimes be a confusing ordeal.

Instead we went on our gut feeling and sheer determination to eventually persevere over seemingly impossible odds. While pushing forward and refusing to give up sometimes provides remarkable results, it’s not always the best course of action. How then can you decide what course of action you should take? The answer to this
question is not as cut and dried as you may think.

Find out if risks are worth taking in: href=""
target="_blank">WoW: Calculated Risks

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016