WoW: Cataclysm Guild Mechanics

by on Aug 23, 2009

<h3>My Kingdom for a Guild</h3> <br> Games are more fun with friends, otherwise you may as well play a single player game, right? Well Blizzard feels the same way. In the Game Systems panel many new guild...

My Kingdom for a Guild

Games are more fun with friends, otherwise you may as well play a
single player game, right? Well Blizzard feels the same way. In the
Game Systems panel many new guild advancements are in the works. In an
effort to roll out the info, following is a bullet summary of the major
guild information:

Guilds will earn experience
through boss kills, arena, professions and the new rated battleground
system Boss kills are credited
when 75% of the group is from a single guild The current level cap for
guilds is 20 and each level will provide talent points that can be
spent on some very nice benefits such as: *Raid-wide buffs becoming
reagent-free *Increase in gold dropped
from monsters *Simultaneous raid summon -
bring everyone in with one shot *Talent points can be
respec'd Guilds earn currency through
the guild experience gains. Guild currency can be used to purchase: *Mounts, tabards, recipes,
heirlooms - all tied to the guild preventing people who leave from
taking the items with them *Reagents that act as
special recipe bonus items or replacement ingredients taking the place
of expensive materials.. There will be a new "Looking
for Guild" function Guild Achievements will be
similar to character achievements. Guild news will be available
within the Armory. Guild member professions
will be viewable by all members - no more hunting down "can someone do
Berserker enchant?" Complete rework of the guild
UI to help with organization and calendar functions. Will be able to
invite other guilds.

Many great improvements in the works for guilds. The securing of guild
loyalty has been long in the making. If all of this ships in the final
version of Cataclysm, we can look to much longer guild memberships
instead of the bouncing guildies.

Much more to follow, keep watching. href="">Weigh
in on our forums and share how
this will help or hurt your guild, I'm sure it will help mine!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016