WoW Celebs: An Interview with Olympic Gold Medalist Matt Grevers

by on Mar 18, 2009

With 11.5 million players, it comes as no surprise that <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-style: italic;">World of Warcraft</span></a> has a player base that includes a variety of celebrities: professional athle

With 11.5 million players, it comes as no surprise that href="" target="_blank"> style="font-style: italic;">World of Warcraft
has a player base that includes a variety of celebrities: professional athletes, best-selling authors, and Oscar-winning visual
effects artists. But how many games, even including single player
titles, can include Olympic gold medalists in their player list?

After our last WoW Celebs article, Ten Ton Hammer was contacted by
Olympic swimmer href=""
target="_blank">Matt Grevers who wanted to chat
about his own experiences in WoW. Although he was a bit difficult to
track down between his practices and photo shoots for href="" target="_blank">Tyr
Sports (the swimwear company he co-represents), we eventually
caught up with the lean swimmer. Matt's unbridled enthusiasm for both
swimming and  online gaming is readily apparent, and we hope
you can take a moment to read about his online life story.

Ten Ton
Hammer: So tell
us a little bit about your training regimen. What's your day-to-day
schedule like?

Matt: I
usually have practice from 6-8 AM, then I eat until 9 AM. After that
I'll hop on to WoW and play a few games of PvP or do some daily quests.
I won't raid during the week very often unless my friends give me a
text and let me know that there's a good tank or healer on with the
group, because that makes things go a bit quicker.

target="_blank">To read the rest of our exclusive WoW
inteview with Matt Grevers, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016