WoW: Coupling, Azeroth-Style

by on Aug 28, 2006

<b>Amber and Jeremy Weldon on Playing WoW Together as Husband and Wife</b><br /> <br /> WoW and Marriage, WoW and Marriage... do they go together like a tank and bandage? Meet Amber and Jeremy, two stereotype-breaking proud parents who help make up the

Amber and Jeremy Weldon on Playing WoW Together as Husband and Wife

WoW and Marriage, WoW and Marriage... do they go together like a tank and bandage? Meet Amber and Jeremy, two stereotype-breaking proud parents who help make up the estimated 26% of total MMO playerbase who are married with children. What does it take to game together without turning your happy home into an impromptu a PvP battleground? The Weldons share their secrets to successful massively matrimonial online gaming, plus a little bit about their online lives together too.

"Amber: I might get frustrated if Jeremy levels too fast, or if he stays up too late raiding, or plays the game when I'd rather go out somewhere, but I don't stay mad long. Because more often than not, I'm right there staying up till 2 or 3 am with him or catching up to him in levels on an alt while he's raiding with his main. We game for fun. Once it gets to where it's not fun (we've had it happen before--with [Ultima Online]), then we find something else to do that will be fun."

Read the rest of this interview at WoW Ten Ton Hammer. Are you a married couple who plays? Stop by the forums and tell us how you do it!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016