WoW: Death Knights, the new Huntards?

by on Jun 15, 2009

Back, way back, at the dawn of time, well the dawn of the World of Warcraft’s time anyway, there were players and then there were Huntards. Just to be clear, not all Hunters were Huntards, just...

Back, way back, at the dawn of time, well the dawn of the World of Warcraft’s time anyway, there were players and then there were Huntards. Just to be clear, not all Hunters were Huntards, just the vast majority. Then along came the Burning Crusade, and the reign of the Huntard continued. However, when the Wrath of the Lich King was released a strange thing happened. The Huntard faded into the background and the Deathtard (or Death Noob as they are sometimes called) was born and supplanted the Huntards place as the most numerous and annoying class on most servers. Our very own Byron "Messiah" Mudry looks at the Huntard and Deathtard to see what they are are and what you can do to ensure you don't become one.

What exactly is a Deathtard or Death noob? - As with any other class, even the dreaded Huntard, just because the class has a bad rep doesn’t mean every single one in a ‘tard. Listed below are just a few things that indicate that a Death Knight may in fact be a Deathtard. The basic definition though, is that a Deathtard is anyone that does not have the skill, ability, knowledge, or desire to play the class well.

You can read all about it here: Death Knights, the New Huntards?.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016