WoW: Druid Healing After Patch 3.1

by on Jun 16, 2009

Every patch has the ability to fill players with dread or anticipation about upcoming changes to their class. Patch 3.1 certainly did so with the Druid class. All over Azeroth cries of the...

Every patch has the ability to fill players with dread or anticipation about upcoming changes to their class. Patch 3.1 certainly did so with the Druid class. All over Azeroth cries of the restoration druids filled the air. But how did the changes made to our spells, abilities and mana regeneration actually affect us? Join me this week as I explore the nuts and bolts of the changes and how we came out on the other side.

As a species, humans are mostly resistant to change. It is an inherent trait that exists in almost all communities and nations around the world. No community, however, is more reluctant to accept and quick to decry changes like those that congregate in MMOGs. Perhaps it's the years and years of being slowly built up then quickly torn down by seemingly erratic developers that have ingrained this in us or a deep seeded belief that every other class is jealous of us and out to get us. Whatever the root of this paranoia is one
thing is certain, if your class has a major change announced come patch
time,then the doom and gloom will begin.

Read the entire article here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016