WoW Editorial - Class Discrimination

by on Nov 10, 2009

In the World of Warcraft there is a huge number of classes, these are further divided up into more sub-classes through the talent system.  With all the various types of characters out there, are...

In the World of Warcraft there is a huge number of classes, these are further divided up into more sub-classes through the talent system.  With all the various types of characters out there, are some players left out?  Are some turned into the peons, toiling away farming in the fields, while others get a free ride to join the reigning elite? 

Players that chose to DPS should really ensure that they are either at the absolute top of the gear / skill ratio or pick a DPS class that brings some serious group benefit.  Failing to do that, they should expect and understand why they are not always able to find a group.  After all who wants all hunters or rogues in a group with their limited group buffs.  Sure they can both MD and Tranq but they don't offer a whole lot else other than big DPS, and that's not enough all the time.

Jump in and see what Byron “Messiah” Mudry has to say on this topic in his Editorial: WoW Class Discrimination.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016