WoW Editorial - Class Discrimination

by on Nov 09, 2009

<p>In the World of Warcraft any of the various classes and class sub-specs are valid for play.&nbsp; However, due to the number of choices and what each class or sub-class brings to the table, many are...</p>

In the World of Warcraft any of the various classes and class sub-specs are valid for play.  However, due to the number of choices and what each class or sub-class brings to the table, many are viewed as second class citizens.  This leads to issues for many players that have characters that they love playing but that they just can not find groups or raids for. 

Some players feel that just because they play class X and chose to build it as talent spec Y that their sub-class gets put out to pasture as a peon in the game.  While others feel they need to create class Z to ever get in invite into a raid or group.  Let’s look at this phenomenon and see if there is anything to it.  If there is, is it fair?

Class types and requirements

Let’s start by looking at what you need for each type of group in the game.  After all this is an MMO, it should all be about groups and playing together.  If you are only worried about playing by yourself, then you shouldn’t really be worried if your class is left out or not.  These numbers are based on experience in various situations and are not hard coded; they change in many ways from situation to situation.

Class Type

5 player Groups

10 player Raids

25 player Raids













Of the three types of classes, Tanks and Healers obviously top the list for the required classes, but only until the spots are filled.  This makes healers the slightly more required class type since a raid needs more of them.  Since in a 25 player raid you only need 2-3 tanks, there are many times in LFG that a group has formed but has no more tank spots.  This is also due to the fact that any intelligent raid leader always starts by filling the tank and healing spots, not DPS, but that’s a whole other story.

In the current environment Paladin tanks are a high demand class

When looking at the DPS spots and seeing that you need roughly 15 for a 25 player raid, another thing to look at is which raid and which fight it is, and what the rest of the group makeup is.  Ideally you want a mix of ranged and melee DPS for any given instance.  This means 7-8 of each type.  Sometimes players will get excluded simply because a group already has enough melee or ranged and does not want more of one type.

Once the key spots are filled groups or raids tend to go down a list to see if they have specific buffs in the group.  They generally want Paladin buffs and Priest buffs as a minimum, but there is a huge number of other beneficial classes. 

Which classes are in demand and which aren’t?

Now that we know what type of characters are in demand, how about the classes themselves.  Some can fulfill multiple roles, some have group buffs, some do more or less damage, etc.  Which ones are really in demand and why?

This is a rough list of which classes are usually in demand.  It is based off of the server I play on which is a very active PvE server.  Different servers may vary.  Also I am going to discuss the maximun numbers you want in a raid so for classes, this is based on 25 player raids, in 10 player raids you never want to bring more than 2 of any single class, even if they are different sub classes, if you can help it. 

Paladins – High Demand – Blessings, Auras, Bubbles, mana regen, can tank, heal, or DPS, what more could you want!  Usually 3 is enough though to get all the buffs.

Druid – High Demand – Mark of the Wild, Innervate, Combat Rez, Cyclone, Root, bonus crit, and a ton of other abilities, combined on a class that can tank, DPS or heal.  This is a solid class that most raids like having 2 or 3 of around if at all possible.

Priests – High Demand – Fortitude, Spirit, magic debuff, and health regen all combine to make this a high demand class where you want at least a healing and a shadow priest in a 25 player raid.

Shamans – Medium – Shamans can fill many roles, they can heal, melee DPS, and caster DPS.  In addition they can self rez and have totems for buffs.  Many fights go much easier with one around due to their tremor and poison totems, and many DPS go nuts if you don’t have one, because they lose buffs.  A great class to have 2 of in a raid, past that, it’s not worth the spot.

Warriors – Medium – They can tank or DPS but lack huge group benefits past having 1 or 2 in a group. 

Mage – Medium – Mage Cookies, Polymorph, and Portals.  Mages feed you and let you travel when you’re done.  Well, ok they do big DPS as well.  Usually you want 2 in a raid.

Warlock – Medium – Soul stones, Summoning closets, and a magic debuff make this a useful class to have around, combined with High raid DPS and they are a solid choice. 

Rogues – Low – Sure they do high DPS and have a misdirect, but they tend to not offer much else.

Death Knights – Low – While they can tank and put out big DPS there are a million and one of them, so you never ever need more.

Hunters – Low – While they have some utility, and good DPS, just like Death Knights there are a ton of them. 

In PvP situations the class demand changes significantly.  In battlegrounds healers are in super high demand since not many go in, while Paladins and Druids rule supreme because one is super survivable, while the other never has to stop moving to heal.  In Arenas the best classes and the ones that are in demand for teams changes drastically based on the team size and the season.  At different times, due to different gear bonuses or the current environment different classes are either god-like or useless.

The Messiah’s Take

Knowing that Tanks and Healers are the most required types of classes in any MMO I chose a Paladin as my primary class and a Druid as my secondary.  Both characters are able to Tank, Heal, or DPS.   This means that on either of my main characters I am sure to be able to get an invite to a group almost any time I want one.  Maybe not as the class type I would like to play at the time - sometimes you just feel the need to smack some heads - but at least you can always get a group.

Does no one want a hunter?

Players that chose to DPS should really ensure that they are either at the absolute top of the gear / skill ratio or pick a DPS class that brings some serious group benefit.  Failing to do that, they should expect and understand why they are not always able to find a group.  After all who wants all hunters or rogues in a group with their limited group buffs.  Sure they can both MD and Tranq but they don't offer a whole lot else other than big DPS, and that's not enough all the time.

What it all comes down to is that players need to realize that while they may feel discriminated against because of their class, it's not real discrimination.  They had a choice on what they became, they should have done it with some forethought and knowledge.  If they knew they wanted to raid they should have made an informed decision, if they decided later they should do everything they can to distinguish themselves from the flock.  Over all it is fairly common sense that when putting a group together you want tanks, heals, then DPS.  While you need DPS there are so many DPS players to choose from that the ones that will get chosen are the ones that can bring the most to the table.  That is either through the buffs they provide or the pure DPS they can cause.

While rogues and hunters do not provide many buffs or group benefits, most groups bring them for their DPS numbers.  However it is not uncommon to get a Hunter or Rogue in a group, have them do horribly low DPS and therefore replace them, or simply never invite them to another group.  With the options available, there is no need to settle for anyone sub par.  The same applies to Death Knights right now.  Sure they are very good DPS and Tanks, but there are a million on the servers.  If there are already 3 in a group, do you really want another?  Wouldn’t it be better for everyone in the group to bring a different class to get a different buff and give the three in the group a better chance at any gear that drops?

The only people I really feel for are the ones that played viable classes to start with and then got completely nerfed or changed into second class citizens.  This happens a lot to players that play in the Arenas since the best teams each season change constantly.  Skill will still allow these players to win a lot and be near the top, but class balance plays huge in arenas.  It can happen in PvE as well, but not to as much.

In the end, most group or raid leaders want to put together the best group they can.  This means that they will be drawn towards the classes and sub-classes that offer the most to the raid as a whole.  This may mean that your specific class is not desirable.  You have three choices: start your own groups, play an in demand character, or be the best at your class and get known for it.  While some classes really are not desired as much as others, if you play well, there is always a slot for each class in a raid.

One last thing that everyone should keep in mind as well, if you don’t
like the current environment, just wait, it will change. Any class
that is not in demand currently will at some point be in high demand.
Just like any class that is in high demand, just wait, you will be
neglected at some point as well. We have all seen class demand come
and go. I remember way back in the pre-expansion game where if you
were a Paladin and you wanted to raid you were holy, plain and simple,
nothing else worked. I also remember when Feral Druids did nothing
for DPS, now they can rock the DPS charts. It comes down to the
simple fact that life isn’t always fair, and neither will a game be
100% fair all the time.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016