WoW Editorial: Overgeared and Underskilled

by on Aug 18, 2009

Anyone who has played the World of Warcraft and tried to get a group of players together to do an instance or a raid knows one simple truth; getting a good group in the World of Warcraft is...

Anyone who has played the World of Warcraft and tried to get a group of players together to do an instance or a raid knows one simple truth; getting a good group in the World of Warcraft is anything but easy. All players have run into a horrible pick up group (PUG) at one time or another while playing the game, but what really leads to PUG Hell, as it is referred to? Does the term ‘Overgeared and Underskilled’ really apply to most players in the World of Warcraft? Find out as Byron “Messiah” Mudry wades into this delicate topic with his usual not so delicate manner.

How many players are truly able to get to and see new content in a timely manner and not wait until it has been nerfed multiple times over, or until they are way overgeared for it? How many players end up struggling through content even when they are way overgeared for it? How many players are able to find and use combos, learn the mechanics, or math behind the game on their own? How many players really have a chance in the PvP game?

Find out what Byron "Messiah" Mudry has to say on the whole topic of Overgeared and Underskilled players in the World of Warcraft.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016