WoW Editorial - Questing in Wrath of the Lich King

by on Aug 06, 2008

There has been a lot of talk from Blizzard since they first announced Wrath of the Lich King that they would make the quest experience better and more inclusive. Many times it has been mentioned that they wanted to try to include players more, especially leading up to instances and raiding. Blizzard was also looking to have players feel more included in the whole environment, to get a feel of what was going on around you and why.

With access to the beta now open, and having had a chance to play around in it for a while, Byron "Messiah" Mudry provides his view on Blizzards efforts so far.

Quest tie ins to instances are so far much better as well. One of the key issues Blizzard has stated that they wanted to address was players not understanding why they were in instances, and lack of quests to push them into them. In the first two instances there have been far more quests and linkages to them then there were in the Burning Crusade. I remember leveling in the Burning Crusade and wondering why so much time was spent on creating the starting instances (Hellfire Ramparts, Blood Furnace, and Slave Pens), yet so few quests were involved in them. There are more quests tied to the Nexus alone than I remember for HF and BF combined. This is a welcome change since I really enjoy instances, as it should generate more interest in players entering them as they level.

You can read all about it in the WoW Editorial - Questing in Wrath of the Lich King

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016