WoW: First Look at "The Burning Crusade: Hellfire Pennisula"

by on Oct 24, 2006

<b>Ten Ton Hammer's First Look at "The Burning Crusade: Hellfire Pennisula"</b><br /> <br /> The first location you will visit when venturing into Outland will be the Hellfire Peninsula. The Hellfire Peninsula is the starting location on your journey fr

Ten Ton Hammer's First Look at "The Burning Crusade: Hellfire Pennisula"

The first location you will visit when venturing into Outland will be the Hellfire Peninsula. The Hellfire Peninsula is the starting location on your journey from level sixty to seventy and as such hosts a myriad of quests and locales for you to visit and level at. We take an in-depth look at this large zone and attempt to walk you through the various cities and structures located within!

"Both the Horde and Alliance hold massive outposts within the Hellfire Peninsula. They aren't really outposts, but more of giant structures that are both ruined and on fire. Yeah, you can guess it; things aren't going to good for either Honor Hold or Thrallmar. That just adds to the wonderful atmosphere that Outland slowly builds up. This is a war and the good guys aren't doing so swell."

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016