WOW Hostages?

by on Apr 30, 2006

It appears that a crazed Gnome Warrior named Franky (as well, wielding a Hand of Ragnaros) has reached hated with the Argent Dawn Faction on Shattered Hand, and is charging a small ransom for alliance

It appears that a crazed Gnome Warrior named Franky (as well, wielding a Hand of Ragnaros) has reached hated with the Argent Dawn Faction on Shattered Hand, and is charging a small ransom for alliance members who wish to turn in their WPL and EPL quests. It appears that this little gnome is causing big trouble, not allowing people to hand in quests, gain experience, or up their rep, completely untouched as Alliance cannot attack Alliance! Evil mastermind, or complete Genius?

Your determine here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016