WoW: Is the Blizzard Authenticator Worth It?

by on Jul 03, 2008

<strong>Double logins = double flavor?</strong>

Double logins = double flavor?

Is the Blizzard Authenticator really worth the cash and trouble? We weigh in on this hard choice many players are making. Is the additional account security truly worth the extra $6.50 and massive hassle of finding the key and entering the numbers? Will it truly make your account more secure? Find out in our latest editorial.

The Blizzard Authenticator has a serial number on the back of it that you attach your account. Once attached you then press a button on it to generate a “key” that you use at your login screen. You type in your username, password, and the key from the authenticator. If everything matches you can login. If anything is off then you’re blocked. This works in a few different ways.

Click here to see if it's worth your cash.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016