WoW: Loremaster's Corner: The Rise and Fall of Illidan

by on Feb 05, 2010

The Loremaster's Corner is a new feature here at Ten Ton Hammer that covers the lore for the World of Warcraft franchise.

The Loremaster's Corner is a new feature here at Ten Ton Hammer that covers the lore for the World of Warcraft franchise. We read the books, flip through the comics, and stare at quest text so you don't have to. This week we take a look at Illidan Stormrage, Malfurion's brother, and one of the key villains in The Burning Crusade expansion. Who is he, why was he evil, and how can so much wrong come from such great intentions?

First, Malfurion never plans on destroying the portal. Illidan is one of the mages that helps defend the Night Elves, until he starts getting jealous of his brother and Tyrande. In this case he starts killing Night Elves as he casts massive spells to destroy large groups of demons and generally starts going crazy. Eventually, he betrays the Night Elves and joins Azshara. His eyes get burned out so that he can see the flow of magic around him and he sets out to steal the Demon Soul. He succeeds by stealing it from Malfurion who stole it from Deathwing (makes sense… right?)

This week we cover Illidan Stormrage so be sure to check it out.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016