WoW: The Midnight Crusade

by on Jan 16, 2007

<b>The Midnight Crusade: Tens of Thousands Get First Dibs on WoW's First Expansion</b><br /> <br /> At midnight on Jan. 16th, Gamers lined up at retailers nationwide to get their pre-order copies of World of Warcraft's first retail expansion: "The Burni

The Midnight Crusade: Tens of Thousands Get First Dibs on WoW's First Expansion

At midnight on Jan. 16th, Gamers lined up at retailers nationwide to get their pre-order copies of World of Warcraft's first retail expansion: "The Burning Crusade." Waiting in ice storms, frigid temperatures, and even a balmy midwinter 50 degrees in the northeast (wth?), writers from Ten Ton Hammer were right there waiting in line with you. Ten Ton Hammer delivers some GameStop facts and figures as we share our impressions of staying out late for the Burning Crusade..

"World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade might not have achieved the media infamy of the end-of-2006 console launches. But since enjoyment was the motive (instead of quick turnaround profits via Ebay) and supplies were plentiful, this late night event was more of a non-event as gaming mass-media headlines go. According to Bob Maurer, Manager, the store had received enough copies to take care of the pre-order folks tonight and would be receiving another 20 copies for walk-ins during the day on Tuesday, November 16th. In line, gamers joked in guarded tones about snatch-and-grabs and paid bumfights to secure their copy, but there wasn't the faintest hint of trouble tonight, not even a pre-order gone bad."

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016