WoW - To Buff, or to Nerf: That is the Question

by on Mar 08, 2010

The nerfing and buffing of classes is a near constant in World of Warcraft.

The nerfing and buffing of classes is a near constant in World of
Warcraft. With every patch (and sometimes even between patches) players
can expect changes both small and large that have a direct impact on
class balance. But are these changes really needed and if they are
which is the better option, buffing or nerfig? Join Mem this week as he
shares his opinion on the nerfing and buffing of classes.

The cries for the
nerfing and buffing of  classes echo across
the official Blizzard forums. It is an ever raging dispute between
players over which classes are over powered, which need serious fixing,
and how Blizzard should handle the supposed problem. Some are firmly on
the side of nerfing, others demand a buff to better balance out the
classes, while some say that no change at all is needed.

To read the entire article click href="">here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016