WoW:WotLK Class Dissection

by on Jun 30, 2008

<strong>Hunters get pet talent trees?</strong>

Hunters get pet talent trees?

With the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, we are all looking ahead, wondering what the newness will bring for each of our favorite classes. I remember well how the Burning Crusade made being an end-game Shadow Priest acceptable. I wonder what class will undergo that kind of butterfly transition this time - perhaps Hunters?

Hunter announcement were huge at the dev panel.

* Steady Shot will no longer clip autoshot -- the speaker acknowledged that Hunters hurt their own DPS by using their abilities
* Pets will get "talent trees" - one utility tree, one TANKING tree, one DPS tree
* A specific ability revealed was "cornered" - your pet does an additional 20% damage when they're at 20% health

Expect more from me on this loyal readers - This is too interesting to pass up speculation on.

For a full listing of announced changes to classes, as well as a lot of information on the new Death Knight class, please check here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016