Top 10 list

by on May 11, 2005

<a target="_Blank" href=""></a> has posted two new top ten lists. Both are lists of useful tips when playing WoW, one serious and one not so serious. has posted two new top ten lists. Both are lists of useful tips when playing WoW, one serious and one not so serious.

Here they are:

Funniest Tips:

10. Look into Guild Wars ~Robrules19
9. Just because you can speak 1337 doesn't mean you can take one on. ~jenovaz
8. Standing in a fire in town will introduce you to more than one kind of flame. ~raven722
7. "Alliance" and "alone" do not belong in the same sentence. ~Segomo_Sionnach
6. Caffiene is your friend. ~zworg2
5. Your mount can't swim. ~Sentosas
4. Every time you see two lesbians in the game in love with each other, realize that it is really two men thinking they are fooling the other. ~Ardenwolfe
3. Pretend you are from Albion (DAOC reference, sorry) - hug sheep, don't hit them! ~Paid4whatIgot
2. If you suddenly find that you can no longer move. Press enter again. ~XiaShou

And the funniest Tip received this round:

1. Male until proven female. ~grim_acid


Serious Tips:

10. Never tell your priest how and when to heal ~Paid4whatIgot
9. Don't list stuff on the AH Monday night. ~NurseFoxFire
8. You'll be amazed at what can kill you when you are still suffering from Resurrection Sickness. ~Boomnackle
7. READ THE QUESTS. Many of your questions are answered right there, and asking such facile questions annoys other immensely ~zworg2
6. 512mb of RAM is great to play WoW, but 1Gb is much better. ~Sentosas
5. For quick looting always remember to use shift and click. ~Ardenwolfe
4. Your first character should have at least one, and possibly two, gathering professions (Skinning, Mining, Herbalism). All three are moneymakers, and money is quite important - you want a mount, yes you do. ~Eloi.
3. Ignore everyone telling you to expect to hit the level cap inside a month. Take the game at your own pace, quest, explore, have fun. There's a lot to do and a large world to do it in, there's no rush. ~Seffrid
2. Know what is very rare/impossible for the opposing faction to obtain. You can make a killing in the Gadgetzan Neutral Auction House with the right items. ~Noctiluca

And the best Serious Tip this round:

1. Click the chat bubble on the left hand of the chat window, go to "Join Channel" type the EXACT name of the channel you want to join. I.E General - Ironforge ~-Mindflayer-

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016