Wurm Online Trailer Released

by on Jun 17, 2008

<strong>Wurm Goes YouTube!</strong> Between competition winners and server updates, Wurm Online has released the rather long-awaited trailer on YouTube.

Wurm Goes YouTube!

Between competition winners and server updates, Wurm Online has released the rather long-awaited trailer on YouTube.

For those of you not quite in the loop, we have been trawling round the home and wild servers, dragging brave players over to a test server, upsetting spiders, bears and scorpions, and generally having a great time while trying to get enough shots to fill a hefty 3 minute 55 second trailer.

The result can be seen in squished form on the right column of the home page, but in slightly less squished format on YouTube

Please feel free to embed it where ever you like - just make sure you link back to Wurm Online.

At the end of the day, I actually ended up with more location suggestions than I had time to visit and I still have some shots left over that didn't quite fit this time. But not being one to waste things, I will be soon starting two more trailers. We already have music lined up for those. One is Little Miss Jane which heads the Wurm Online Myspace site, and I also put up in the Rat Inn recently, and the other is one you have yet to hear. More of that in due course.

So, hope you enjoy the trailer. Unlike many high spenders, this is just Wurm and you guys. Doing what you do best, playing the game. As far as I am concerned that is the best kind of trailer - honest. It is what it is, just like the game.

For more, please visit Wurm Online.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016