WWI '08 - WoW Class Discussion Panel

by on Jul 01, 2008

<strong>What's Coming for your Class?</strong>

What's Coming for your Class?

The first World of Warcraft discussion panel at the 2008 Blizzard Worldwide Invitational discussed the various classes in the game and how Blizzard is updating them for Wrath of the Lich King. All the classes were covered and many have some very cool changes in the works. Many of the changes were cheered at by the players present, some are simply that good!

The other major change for shaman is gaining the "Hex" ability, a new crowd control spell that will change the target into a frog. Players that are hexed will be able to still move but not cast spells or use abilities. Currently it is being tested as a 0.5 second cast time and lasts for roughly 8 seconds.

You can find all the talked about changes here: WWI '08 - WoW Class Discussion Panel.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016