You know you have been playing too much WOW when...

by on Nov 12, 2005

<b>You know you have been playing too much WOW when...</b><br /> <br /> - When you tell your Teacher you don't have enough mana to do a project

You know you have been playing too much WOW when...

- When you tell your Teacher you don't have enough mana to do a project
- When you have a mouse imprint on your hand
- When you go to your bank and ask where your epic went!
- when you go to a fast food resturant because you just got into a car crash
- When you see a Cat,Bear,Seal and go I hope he's my faction
- When you go kill people and do the chicken dance on top of their corpse
- When you tell the jokes from WoW
- When sombody says Wow that is amazing you think yes world of warcraft is amazing
- When you are about to get ready you eqiup your nifty Stopwatch Trinket
- When you forget to get a ride home cause you figured you could just hearth
- When you try and command your pet to attack other animals and you start yelling at him when he doesn't follow correctly.
- When you win a game and start yelling at the other team, "yah you just got pwned! WTFBBQ!!!"
- When you brag to your basketball team about your +5 throwing and speed increase shoes

Thankfully none of these have ever happened to any of us...

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016