You Mean the World of Warcraft to Me!

by on Apr 20, 2006

Ever in a tight spot with your signifigant other? Pulling some wife or hubby aggro?

Ever in a tight spot with your signifigant other? Pulling some wife or hubby aggro? Well look no further! Kevin Spivey of The Onion News has created a poem/ song to woo the hearts of all those who may be keeping you from your BWL phat epix lewts! Click right here to view the full song!

When we met, I was looking for a group fit to take the Zul'Gurub instance. But as I stocked up on provisions at the convenience store before my quest, and our eyes locked, I realized that I was not looking for a group, I was looking for love, and I found it in you. You are the sun, the moon, the Cinderhide Armsplints of the Monkey. There is so much we have to offer one another. Unfailing loyalty, a Strength of 250, someone who can go out for snacks in the heat of battle. Can't you see we're made for each other?

Darling, no orc can keep me from you. I would make my way into the heart of Moonglade and fight an army of trolls just to be by your side. I would go up against Varimathras, the ruler of the Undead himself, if he so much as hinted that he was a danger to you. Make no mistake, I would get aggro on anyone who would threaten you.

This is, of course, provided the system is not down due to a faulty patch.
Why do we need to go out to have fun? Everything we could possibly want is right in WoW. Fine dining, theater, romantic sunsets—they're all there. The outside world just costs money, and I don't have a magic breastplate to protect me from people's stares. Come with me so I can treat you like the princess you are.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016