Zeroes - "A Bit Over-Powered"

by on Aug 24, 2009

Back when beta was still raging in the closed stage, Black Talon and the tutorial were constantly undergoing tweaking. For about three weeks straight, if you had the wrong combination of starting...

Back when beta was still raging in the closed stage, Black Talon and the tutorial were constantly undergoing tweaking. For about three weeks straight, if you had the wrong combination of starting powers, the big hulking iron monger would simply wipe the floor with you.

Luckily, you would simply respawn a few hundred feet away and go at him again and again while Defender lay prone and chanting how he can't help you until, yes... you finally beat Black Talon. I wonder if he ever got a little annoyed at how resilient my Might empowered Leprechaun character seemed to be?

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016