Alienware Heats Up

by on Dec 13, 2006

Welcome to your Wednesday Loading... You can read previously enjoyed editions of Loading... in the <a target="_blank" href="">blog archive</a>. (For the navigation impaired that means you click the link and then look

Welcome to your Wednesday Loading... You can read previously enjoyed editions of Loading... in the blog archive. (For the navigation impaired that means you click the link and then look in the right menu.)

The 479th edition of Loading... is brought to you by Guild Portal. Guild Management has never been easier! Not sure what GuildPortal is, or what it can do for your Guild? Click here.

Once again my Interweb connection is flaky, which is great news for the loyal readership as my blurb is cut blissfully short. Thankfully our incredible community managers don't use my connection and have delivered 14 new MMOG articles today. I'm going to have to interview and hire some cheerleaders soon! Most MMO networks don't deliver 14 new articles in a month!

Speaking of flaky, Alienware's ability to build a computer that doens't outlive a fruit fly appears to extend beyond computers that they have cobbled together for the Ten Ton Hammer staff. This lawsuit is heating up, pun intended. (Thanks Karen) For the record, we don't have any plans to sue Alienware, though I would personally like to stick a fake "Out of Order" sign on the restroom and then buy them a few Ex-Lax martinis. Nothing says restitution like a gastrointestinal gag.

I mentioned a few days ago that I was giving Everquest 2 another shot. If you haven't taken the plunge and checked out the expansion then give Jeff's Echoes of Faydwer Review a read. It will either push you to revisit the game or save you $39.

How many technicians does it take to make my Interweb connection work? Apparently more than work at the ISP I pay each month. Do connectivity problems ruin your MMOG experiece? Let me know, either in the comments section of the blog or in our forums!

Exclusive Content!


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"Never one to sit idly when things are changing, we at DDO @ Ten Ton Hammer have updated two guides about the drow! The Drow Race Guide now contains a look at drow Enhancements." Dungeons and Dragons Online: State of the Warforged
"Turbine made some big changes in Module 3 to improve DDO's maligned race, the warforged. Ralsu wants you to decide if those changes did the trick." Everquest 2: Echoes of Faydwer Review
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"If you burn with passion of utter and total neutrality, then Solusek Ro might just be the God for you! The Burning Prince might forge his own way, but he does so in a way that all will remember. If this is your deity of choice, then you won't want to pass by this complete walk through to ease your journey." EverQuest 2: Tunare Deity Quest Series Walkthrough
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Vin Diesel Fact: Vin Diesel has never received a spam e-mail for Viagra, Vjagra, Viiagra, or viagrae .... they just wouldn't dare!" [Thanks Pat]

As always, thank you for visiting
- John "Boomjack" Hoskin

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016