Loading... GDC Gong Show

by on Mar 26, 2009

Large games industry events tend to devolve into pageants of the absurd, with press releases hawking the most obscure game features as the next big thing. Think of Loading as your own MMO news...

Large games industry events tend to devolve into pageants of the absurd, with press releases hawking the most obscure game features as the next big thing. Think of Loading as your own MMO news gong show, where we've gonged most of the nonsense and kept only the biggest or most entertaining bits for your perusal. Today's GDC news features WAR, SOE's DC Universe Online and The Agency, EVE, and WoW, so read on to see what's new and changed in the games you care about!

We also have exclusive state of the game interviews with Aion and EverQuest 2 as well as beginner's guides for Chronicles of Spellborn and EVE Online. That plus today's Epic Forum Thread awaits you in Loading... GDC Gong Show!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016