Loading... Worst Foot Forward

by on Aug 31, 2009

What's the biggest mistake today's MMOs make at launch? Is it letting players get burnt out on beta? Not putting enough work into the endgame? Too many servers? I tend to think it's something...

What's the biggest mistake today's MMOs make at launch? Is it
letting players get burnt out on beta? Not putting enough work into the endgame? Too many servers? I tend to think it's something much easier to fix or prevent than any other content related issue. It's something I've seen before and I continue to see it with the first two top tier MMOs we've seen roll off this line in the past month.

What is
this most unpardonable of launch day sins? Check out Loading...  Worst Foot Forward to read my opinion, then add your own in the Loading forum!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016