Microcosms Issue #6 - No Risk All Reward

by on Feb 23, 2010

While the controversy rages among the <i>Allods Online</i> community over the games death penalty, an underlying issue comes to light. Have MMOGs gone soft?

While the controversy rages among the Allods Online
over the games death penalty, an underlying issue comes to light. Have
MMOGs gone soft? Did the once veteran group of tougher than nails
gamers get whittled down into a whiny group of folks wanting free
epics? Join Medawky this week as he explores this topic in Microcosms,
your weekly source for Free-to-Play and Microtransaction goodness.

first generation of MMOGs featured some pretty harsh death penalties.
Players were faced with the prospects of everything from experience
loss to item loss or, even worse, the permanent death of your
character. The most popular of those early games was EverQuest, which
featured a death penalty that caused instant experience loss and forced
you to return your fallen body and loot your items manually, with a
”corpse rot” timer, which compelled you to complete the process
quickly. Playing with the unpleasant side-effects of death looming over
one’s head was a huge motivator to proceed with the utmost caution and
inspired a sense of danger lurking around each unexplored twist and
turn in the game world.

You can read the entire feature href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/81326" target="_blank">here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016