Microcosms Issue #7 - The Duel is Epic

by on Mar 02, 2010

With virtually every subscription based game that strays from the tired..err tried and true formula of WoW like mechanics and ease suffering a disappointing fate, it has fallen upon the shoulders of

With virtually every subscription based game that strays from the
tired..err tried and true formula of WoW like mechanics and ease
suffering a disappointing fate, it has fallen upon the shoulders of
free-to-play games to take up the mantle of innovation for the genre.
While we have chronicled several of these games recently here at Ten
Ton Hammer, a new title has quietly invaded our playtime. EpicDuel
is a new side scrolling PvP themed game from Artix Entertainment, and
Microcosms has tracked down the man behind the game for an exclusive
interview to get you up to speed on this addicting new MMOG.

Ten Ton Hammer: Where did the idea for the game
come from?

JD: I grew up playing games like Kings Quest
and the Legend of
Zelda. Later on I got into more complex RPG- and RTS-style games like
Diablo and, one of my favorites, Warcraft III. In college, I stumbled
upon one of Artix Entertainment’s first games, AdventureQuest. I was
encouraged by the fact that here was a game produced with minimal
staff, yet capable of reaching a massive audience. AdventureQuest made
me believe that EpicDuel could succeed, but I knew we needed a unique
touch. To standout, I developed a fun battle engine unlike anything in
the realm of Flash-based gaming!

Click target="_blank">here to read the entire interview,
as well as all the other weekly features of Microcosms.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016