Persistent Worlds: Are you Happy With The Elite Specializations So Far?

by on Aug 21, 2015

In this daily outlet, Lewis chooses one topic for discussion from Guild Wars 2. Today's: With the berserker revealed, are you happy with how the elite specializations are panning out?

What I keep needing to remind myself when it comes to elite specializations is that they shouldn’t automatically be better than the profession they build on. It’s difficult to fall into that mindset when some are, undoubtedly, better than their predecessor. Certainly when it comes to the reaper or chronomancer I think both will be the go-to profession, above necromancer and mesmer. I see no reason why anyone would settle for the mesmer when the chronomancer provides so much more and the reaper, although in need of a little bit of love, is still worth taking thanks to reapers shroud.

As for the remaining elite specializations we know about, there’s every chance the berserker will turn out to be the go-to over warrior, but I’ve serious doubts the dragonhunter or tempest will ever be picked up by the vast majority of players. I suspect most will simply stick to the guardian or elementalist because the professions are, arguably, already at the top of their game. Digressing a little, what I’m really wishing for is that the Druid and the possibility of aspects replacing pets finally gives the profession a reliable place in all areas of the game, the one catch being that if this does happen there’s every chance you’d never see a ranger again.

Going back to my original question, if there’s one thing I am super happy with when it comes to elite specializations it’s the fact that there’s something new for players to experiment with and alongside the trait re-work at least for a time, things are going to feel fresh for a while. More than anything, though, I’m incredibly happy with how communicative the developers have been when it comes to improving each elite specialization based on feedback and I get the impression they’re genuinely listening. I don't think the elite specializations are perfect, but neither are existing professions. My underlying concern however is that for all the good elite specializations are doing, existing skills that are poor are just being left as new ones surpass them. 

What about you? Are you hapy with the elite specializations so far?

Last Updated: Mar 20, 2016