Sins of a Solar Spymaster #11 - EVE and Loathing in Las Vegas

by on May 13, 2009

During the last few months, Ten Ton Hammer patrons have read about <a href="" target="_blank">the Mittani's entertaining antics</a> throughout the galaxies in <a href="" ta

During the last few months, Ten Ton Hammer patrons have read about href=""
target="_blank">the Mittani's entertaining antics
throughout the galaxies in href="" target="_blank">EVE
Online. His actions in-game are often elusive and tainted
with deception, but what about his real world persona? This week, we
get a taste of the "real" Mittani as he regales us with his recount of
the first EVE
conference. Was it all spaceships? Or were there
strippers involved? Keep reading to find out!

Attempting to break out of the clique I had arrived with, I noticed a
table full of goons hanging out with Avalloc. I approached, announced
something like "And who do we have here?" only to discover that I'd
blundered into the developers - Oveur, Alli, Soundwave, Navigator and
the 'Mystery Dev', an as-yet-unrevealed CCP employee on the game design
team. As my jaw dropped, I recognized the Mystery Dev as my old bete
noir Seleene, infamous former leader of the Mercenary Coalition and for
many years a staunch foe of the Swarm. I had staggered onto my first
source of spaceship words, and found it extremely awkward.

target="_blank">To read the rest of "EVE and Loathing in Las
Vegas," click here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016