Sins of a Solar Spymaster #13 - The Participation Game

by on May 26, 2009

The Great War in <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-style: italic;">EVE Online</span></a> continues in this week's <a href="" target="_blank">Sins of a Solar Spym

The Great War in target="_blank">EVE
continues in this week's href=""
target="_blank">Sins of a Solar Spymaster. After
his eventful (and painful) trip to Las Vegas, the Mittani had to help
rally the Swarm and get their participation levels back up to drive off
the KenZoku horde that was assailing their borders. But how does one go
about getting hundreds of pilots to log into EVE? Read on to find out!

style="font-style: italic;">From an outsider's perspective,
one might think that this would be easy. EVE is a game, and games are
fun, right? But this is EVE, and the bleeding-edge of alliance warfare
is often deadly boring if not an exercise in outright masochism. The
core mechanic of conquerable space, which is to say placing, defending,
or destroying player-owned starbase (POS, 'pos warfare') is widely
acknowledged - even by its aficionados - as being about as entertaining
as engaging in a little 'freestyle dentistry' on oneself with a claw
hammer. Due to the magic of strontium clathrates, players get to enjoy
this delightful hobby at a time chosen by their enemy - usually at an
ungodly hour in another timezone requiring that players set an alarm
clock before having the privilege of applying hammer to tooth.

target="_blank">To read the rest of the Mittani's EVE Online
column, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016