Sins of a Solar Spymaster #28 - Irresponsible Speculation Edition!

by on Oct 06, 2009

<p>Chaos, distrust, breaking alliances, and anarchy are just a few things that could be coming to <em>Eve Online</em>.

Chaos, distrust, breaking alliances, and anarchy are just a few things that could be coming to Eve Online. This week The Mittani examines the new sovereignty mechanics and what impact combat and...

Chaos, distrust, breaking alliances, and anarchy are just a few things that could be coming to Eve Online. This week The Mittani examines the new sovereignty mechanics and what impact combat and ship changes might have on the Eve Online universe.

First of all, let's go over sovereignty. Regardless of how stations are taken, seizing sovereignty in the currently described mechanic is a process that heavily favors the defender. An attacker must online disruptors and guard them for at least 12 hours on every gate in a system, and the defender merely has to blow them up at some point during this timeframe. Actually capturing sov - not merely wrenching it to neutral - takes even longer. This requires constant, round-the-clock guarding, vulnerable to raids from defenders in the defender's primetime.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016