Sins of a Solar Spymaster #32 - The Most Dangerous Agent

by on Nov 19, 2009

<p> The Mittani returns this week with an interview of one of the most notorious spies in the <em>Eve Online</em> universe referred to as 'Darwin's Accelerator'.

The Mittani returns this week with an interview of one of the most notorious spies in the Eve Online universe referred to as 'Darwin's Accelerator'. For years this agent has crept in the shadows...

The Mittani returns this week with an interview of one of the most notorious spies in the Eve Online universe referred to as 'Darwin's Accelerator'. For years this agent has crept in the shadows of many hostile fleets and left a trail of leaked fleet information and destruction in his wake. Find out what this agent has to say about the difficulty of spy work and much more in this week's Sins of a Solar Spymaster.

Surprises regarding espionage-While it is easy to give just one player the credit for an intel success, it is like most things in Eve, a true team effort. Information flows constantly; fleet movements, pos locations, CTAs, chatlogs, etc. The victory comes though from the correct analysis of the information and the ability to create the appropriate reaction. So much of my work gets passed on to others who then use the information to actually pop the cynos and spring the traps. Sometimes it is quick, real-time minute by minute analysis and reaction, other times, its planning hotdrops days in advance. In either case, it usually starts with just a bit of information that, with the right analysis and preparation, blossoms into glorious tears and nerd rage. All of which is recorded for later use.

Read the full SOSS here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016