Star Trek Online: Captain’s Blog, The Honeymoon is Over

by on Feb 24, 2010

<a href="" target="_blank">Star Trek Online</a> is just about to hit that magic date in a game&rsquo;s life which is exactly thirty days after it launches.

target="_blank">Star Trek Online
is just about to hit that magic date in a game’s life which
is exactly
thirty days after it launches. Sometimes it’s a day of
celebration, but
more times than not it’s a day of “F”
bombs, you know as in “Forums.”
The threads will all start and end with someone who was entitled to
more fun than they got. I’m not sure whether to say
“suck it up” or
just “suck it.”

Read this week's href=""
target="_blank">Captain's Blog
and then let me know.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016