The Launch That Faced Thousands of Ships

by on Mar 30, 2009

<p></p> <p>Danny "Ralsu" Gourley got a taste of how astrologists who write for their local newspapers must feel when a Sagittarius finds a $5 bill after reading that "your finances will improve." This...</p>

Danny "Ralsu" Gourley got a taste of how
astrologists who write for
their local newspapers must feel when a Sagittarius finds a $5 bill
after reading that "your finances will improve." This week, Frogster
announced that the retail box for F2P title href="">Runes
of Magic had surpassed World or Warcraft
in the European sales charts. If one of Ralsu's ideas for how to pave
the way for F2P games to have success in the West works, what other
"crazy" ideas do he have?

The full impact of Frogster's choices will be
difficult to
measure for a while yet, but the sales charts don't lie: there is room
for success in the West if a F2P game is built well, handled properly,
and marketed wisely. In the short term, the first dent into the armor
of F2P skeptics is here.

Read more href="">here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016