Va. Tech Vs Rosie

by on Apr 19, 2007

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Welcome to the 562nd edition of Loading... If you aren't reading this in your e-mail, you could be. Sign Up

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I avoided discussing the tragedy at Virginia Tech, but Jack Thompson, Dr. Phil and about 40 of our readers have dragged me into it.

What Cho Seung Hui did was horrific, make no mistake about it.

Is it any surprise that Jack "ass" Thompson, best known for blaming every tragedy from earthquakes to shootings on video games has jumped into the fray and onto Fox News to deliver his opinion? Jack is in jeopardy of losing his license to practice law in Florida. He has threatened judges, other lawyers and even yours truly, yet somehow, like a car wreck, people just can't stop looking at him.

Another car wreck is the man with no surname, Dr. Phil who decided that it would be prudent to appear on the Larry King show and blame games for the shooting. The good doctor had this to say,

"And the problem is we are programming these people as a society. You cannot tell me - common sense tells you that if these kids are playing video games, where they’re on a mass killing spree in a video game, it’s glamorized on the big screen, it’s become part of the fiber of our society. You take that and mix it with a psychopath, a sociopath or someone suffering from mental illness and add in a dose of rage, the suggestibility is too high."

Shouldn't the shrink be more concerned with why people are psychopaths or sociopaths? Dr. Phil, you are the problem. You aren't doing your job. You should be out in the streets helping the mentally ill and then the "suggestibility" wouldn't matter now would it?

Better yet, according to GayGamer, the search of the shooter's dorm room showed that he didn't own any video games.

What the police did find was a "Dell Latitude service tag". If you read Loading... yesterday then you know why I mentioned this.You couldn't have a tragedy without Rosie shooting her mouth off. She was in true Rosie form with gems like,

"'It was interesting to note that President Bush was flying to Virginia Tech today and took him a week to get to ... Katrina to visit the victims. 'You can't pretend that it's the same. How many people died in Katrina?"'

Presidential response time should be directly proportional to the death toll. You hear that lobbyists? If you want the president's ear you have better kill off a lot of people. Nice one Rosie. That piece of pure genius is almost as good as claming that Columbine drove you to depression, yet the Virginia Tech attack only made you "almost numb". Trust me when I tell you this Rosie, you are numb.

How do we educate people like Rosie and Dr. Phil? Is it possible, or as Rosie would say, Is it unpossible?

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- John "Boomjack" Hoskin

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