Why Murky is the Best

by on Mar 25, 2015

Sometimes a hero isn't the hero we need or necessarily want, but the hero that's totally IMBA. Murky fills this role.

When it comes to Heroes of the Storm, one neat element that is brought over from the original DoTA, the good one in Warcraft III before people turned it into a sport, was that some heroes were a niche to themselves. Let me tell you a story of a little hero from the days of ol known as Goblin Techies. Now, unlike their DotA 2 counterparts, the Goblin Techies had one point: win the game within the first five minutes. You had several chances to get first blood, by being able to instantly take out any hero that had a little bit of their health gone by exploding on them.

After you killed several heroes, with no penalty to yourself, you donated your gold to your team and then warded with your mines, until late game where you either had somehow through a miracle farmed enough for a Dagons to do some kind of damage, or just hid in the base as your now hopefully fed team at won. The Techies weren't a laner, they weren't anything more than a defensive hero. I haven't tried it in DotA 2, but I do believe it's a bit different now.

The point is that it was a hero for a specific kind of player with a specific goal and if someone in a pug match didn't all-random into it, and actualy picked it, most everyone would usually agree to leave. Because there wasn't going to be anyway to way in a 4v5 and without a team having some kind of plan for Techies or a world reknown Techies player, there was no point in it.

Murky here fills that role. Because Murky is useful for one specific purpose - losing the match for your team. Following losing the match for your team, Murky also has the status that if you're playing with super pros, they might in some world be able to use Murky's unique ability to do nothing as some kind of way to win, like with Techies and farming that huge gold advantage at the start of the game to push and get gold / level ontop. Plus Murky is free!

Yet of course I don't see how you'd do this with Murky, but I'm sure it's done, because we all know in our heart of hearts that the best character in Heroes of DotA is Murky. It's just true!

Okay enough of that, in other news I'm sort of in this weird middle ground with games where I have Cities: Skyline and it's great, but there isn't anything else coming up soon that I really want to dig into, outside of the Borderland's DLC just released. What's catching your fancy?

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016