WoW Weekly Report - "Ego and Class"

by on Jan 19, 2010

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Limited Attempts on the Lich King in WoW World of Warcraft: WoW Armory Gets an Overhaul MLG Orlando PvP Fallout

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WoW UI mod review – Sexymap Shaman Guide Update - Basics and Combat World of Warcraft Profession Rewards   The Healers Guide to Instances and Raiding WoW: BlizzChat Analysis WoW: Spartan U.I. Addon Review WoW: The DPS Guide to Instances and Raids

Blues Clues

PPM Nerf - " We changed the way PPM procs work to make sure many of the weapons and trinkets did their expected performance in Icecrown instead of proc'ing too much for some specs or classes or forcing players into unusual behavior to try and fish for the procs. This change also affected some older mechanics in the game too such as the Berserking enchant. For the most part the intent is that these systems all proc off of attacks and they are balanced with that assumption."

Welcome to The Fabulous Overpull of Awesomesauce. Errr, yes that is quite silly but The Overpull has been looking at a way to throw “awesomesauce” into its title for awhile now. This week we’ll talk about the rash of account security issues, about the social factors of an “MMOG”, some talk about dragons and lore, and of course the weekly question.

Keep reading on below for The Fabulous Overpull of Awe—whatever, get to scrolling!

Here’s the lineup this week

What’s the Buzz TTH WoW Forum Spotlight The Weekly Musing Loremaster's Corner This Week's Forum Post
Come join us for discussion this week on the forums!

This last week has had a lot of good WoW news moving about. The first thing is the new WoW Armory update. If you haven’t seen it yet, hurry up and go! Now, after you’ve seen it, you’ve no doubt seen the new model viewer so you can see what someone looks like. Did you know you can pose and save it so that when people visit your profile they see the snapshot?

BlizzChat happened. Click here to see our full write up on it. The main thing I got from it is that all of our problems will be fixed in Cataclysm. That sounds exciting.

Free character migrations were opened up until Janurary 28th for some realms. Mal’ganis and Kel’thuzad, homes to Goon Squad Horde and Goon Squad Alliance respectively, are part of the source realms. No surprise there. Remember when they closed new character registrations for realms that were going to open AQ40?

There was a blue post saying there won’t be a major sanctuary city in Cataclysm like there was in the last two expansions. That’s nice, I suppose. Makes things less laggier, in a way. Of course, every Horde in Dalaran will just join all of the ones that are in Orgrimmar already and the same for the Alliance and Stormwind. So it might not solve the lag problems. That or everyone will continue to use Daralan, because once you hit 80 there isn’t much reason to leave.

Some guy went to jail for fraud because he didn’t turn over his WoW accounts when someone bought them from him. I personally cheer the justice for this, but, at the same time no one should be buying WoW accounts. That’s the lesson I suppose.

The security freak out is still going on. Queue times are still high for character restores, although the news is calming down on the alarmism.

Blizzard gave some rumblings on the forums about nerfing some more 5 mans. Less trash in Old Kingdom, an Anomalus nerf, and the possibility of a “quick start” option for Culling of Stratholme. Hooray, I suppose.

PPM Nerfs. Yep, some procs were nerfed. Too much drama there for me to even think about it though.

Xerin’s Big Tip of the Week: You can turn on an option to allow sound to play even when alt-tabbed out. It’s in the audio settings. Now you no longer have to miss another dungeon queue!

That’s the news this week, but not the end of The Overpull. Keep on reading below.

Talk about this weeks news on our forums.

I'm currently tethered to my cellphone and unable to browse 99% of the web, but this thread looked awesome so I'm going with it:

The Battle of the Gear Score

I still like this thread.

Last week we talked at length about dragons and the Highborne. This week we’re going to talk about holy cows. Well, more specifically, class and race combinations. There is a reason that every class and every race can combo together in the lore, even if it’s a thinly veiled excuse made by Blizzard for balance reasons.

Warriors, Rogues, and Hunters are generic soldiers or thieves. There aren’t any arguments about who would be what with these. Every race has an army and needs Warrior, every race uses ranged bowsmen, and thieves are present everywhere. Taurens and Draenei can’t be rogues because they’re big and their society is less accepting of the sneaky intelligence types.

Warlocks are basically Mages or Shamans who lust after forbidden magic in order to achieve more power for less work, get revenge, or have a major thirst for magic. Alliance Warlocks are mostly Mages who turned to the demonic side after the destruction of the Kirin Tor (who had forbidden the practice of demonic magic). I imagine they don’t uphold that anymore due to risk of Malygos and the Lich King.

Horde Warlocks are Shamans who found it easier to use demonic power. Basically, Shamanism requires you to summon the elements while demonic power has you paying a price for the same result. So, you may summon lightening and set something on fire with it or you can trade in a bit of yourself to summon hell’s fire and burn your enemies. The Horde Warlocks are “tolerated” by Thrall because the Horde needed Warlocks and there is no real lore excuse for them. Thrall brought back Shamanism after the near destruction of the Orcs and demonic magic goes nowhere good. Most Warlocks on the Horde side are affiliated with the Burning Blade or the Shadow Council (the Burning Blade is a sub section of the Shadow Council), so they are mostly evil.

Next, let’s talk about the Holy Light and Priests. Priests are followers of the Holy Light who utilize that power to heal. The Holy Light is accessible to every race that follows the Holy Light, but it’s kind of a confusing lore mechanic. Blood Elves lost access to the Holy Light somehow after the destruction of the Sunwell (thus the need to siphon power off of the Naaru for Blood Knights). Trolls ignore the Holy Light, the Holy Light abandoned the Undead, and Night Elves only worship Elune. So you have to kind of bang your head on the table to figure it all out.

Well, Humans and Dwarves are natural followers of the Holy Light and therefore can call on the power whenever they want to. Night Elves somehow touch the Holy Light through Elune or more accurately use the power of Elune for the spells. Trolls use the power of their Loa Gods. The Forsaken use the power of the Shadow and somehow touch the Holy Light through the Shadow through some kind of mystical balance. Blood Elves follow the Holy Light, as far as I can tell, but who knows with that. They may siphon off some of their power from the Sunwell now that the captured Naaru is dead or maybe their faith is restored. Draenei follow the Naaru who naturally follow the Holy Light.

Paladins play the same game as above, except it’s a bit stranger. Paladins are basically Warrior Priests, like Vindicators (who are more Warrior than Priest) and were started by the Order of the Silver Hand. So they were originally only Humans. Well Dwarves worship the Holy Light, so it’s no problem for them to become Paladins. Blood Elves also naturally worship the Holy Light but their power became “weaker” after they became Blood Elves (who knows why) and have strengethed their holy power by draining the Naaru. Like I said above, that Naaru is now dead. So I’m guessing it’s back to their “faith.”

Taurens will be able to become Priests and Paladins. I only imagine that it’ll work like Night Elves with the Earthmother granting them their power or something like that. Goblins? I’m sure some excuse will be made. Maybe they’ll buy the Holy Light!

Mages. This is a tough one. The only requirement is that the race is capable of touching the arcane. That explains Draenei, because they are magical space demon goat men.

Druids use special magic from Cenarius to be tree hugging hippies. I honestly am clueless about a lot of that lore, because some parts of it contradict one another and it’s pretty confusing. Basically, one version plays out that Cenarius taught Malfurion how to be a Druid and then he taught the Taurens and Night Elves. Some quests and stuff make it really fuzzy if they knew how to be Druids before the Night Elves, the Night Elves taught them, or what. Just smile and nod.

Death Knights, yeah, not going there. That’s too long of a discussion. The quick and dirty is that Death Knights are given power by the Lich King and are the Scourge’s elite Warriors. Nothing there about Paladins who have lost their way or anything. Nope. Draenei Death Knights are available because somehow between the quick war over at the Sunwell Arthas was capable of ganking a few of them and laughing as he started building demonic goat men scourge armies.

That’s pretty much it on the interesting class lore. Join us next week as we cover how Murlocs can become every class in the game.

Kidding or am I?

This week’s question is: What’s the most annoying thing for you in WoW?

For me, it’s travel time. I dislike idle time in a game where you’re staring at the scenery and doing nothing for long periods of time.

Xerin’s Soap Box

Know what I hate now? The self righteous egomaniacs of the game who lord their egos over everyone else. It’s not the elitist or the well geared I’m talking about, although they make up a large portion of the group. I’m talking about the people who have to remind everyone how awesome they are every chance they get. The constant spam of DPS meters. The constant “LOL LOOK @ THAT CRIT” in party chat. The trade chat epeen measuring contests.

The game is about taking on a role and playing as it. You know, being the hero. Being the awesome guy with sparkling gear who rides in and helps Thrall beat down the Lich King. It’s not about sitting online all day and trying to justify how awesome you are with words in chat channels on an online video game.

You know, there are some bragging rights to some things. Like, downing a boss before everyone else or having the highest gear score on the server. I’m sure if you worked hard enough to get those achievements (personal achievements, not the points in most cases) then you’re going to want to flaunt it. That’s fine, but everything is good in moderation.

Sitting inside of your guild and constantly linking your loot, chilling in Dalaran and screaming over and over how awesome you are, or many of the other annoying things just makes you seem like a stupid idiot. No one respects it. No one cares for it. You’re #1 in the DPS meters in a heroic? Nice. Guess what, it’s not hard considering how many people out there are bad at the game. I pull 6k sustained in a heroic all the time if there isn’t a lot of stuff to AoE and I don’t care because my gear determines that dmg, not my skill. There is no skill to heroics.

There is no skill to the free epics you get from running 5 or 10 heroics in a row either. There is no skill to the first few bosses in Icecrown (that many pugs can easily down) or the first few bosses in ToC. There isn’t much skill to a lot of the games. Being there and participating in something easy isn’t a bragging right nor is opening your mouth 24/7 to talk about how awesome you are.

I’ve been playing for over five years now since the game has launched. I know whining about this won’t change a thing because people have been doing it since the start. However, it still irks me how much drama and ego runs through the game.

Well that’s what I wanted to rant about this week. Thank you for reading The Overpull!


That’s the Overpull this week. Stay tuned next week for more awesome news, funny stories, lore, and questions rolled together in your ultimate WoW newsletter.

-David "Xerin" Piner

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016