WoW Weekly Report - The Overpull for 9/14/09

by on Sep 16, 2009

Today's Overpull disects the ramifications of the faction transfers as well as the latest Cataclysm news on the Abyssal Maw. So stop by and take the Transfer Test and see why we like the...

Today's Overpull disects the ramifications of the faction transfers as well as the latest Cataclysm news on the Abyssal Maw. So stop by and take the Transfer Test and see why we like the refer-a-friend program:

In a very short time of using the Refer-a-Friend program, I will have 3 level 60 characters with a grand total of around 24 hours of playtime. Granted the characters are lacking in skills, reputations, and even flight paths, but I can understand why Blizzard does not feel it's necessary to let us start any class at level 55; heck we get to start at 60!

Read the rest of the week's Overpull, and then href="">let's discuss in our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016