WoW: Weekly Report - The Overpull "Patch Frequency and Halforcens"

by on Dec 15, 2009

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WoW: Fall of the Lich King Trailer Now Live Extended Maintenance Tomorrow (3.3?) WoW: Dungeon Finder Tool Mini-FAQ Screenwriter Gary Whitta Explains Original Vision for World of Warcraft Movie

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WoW - Guide to Ice Crown Citadel - Lower Spire WoW: The Forge of Souls Guide: Video Walkthrough WoW Guide: Hunter Equipment Worst Class in the World of Warcraft? WoW: Guide to the Halls of Reflection WoW: Guide to the Pit of Saron WoW: Icecrown Citadel 5-man Attunement Quest Line Walkthrough WoW: Guide to The Forge of Souls WoW Patch 3.3 Released and Available for Direct Download

Blues Clues

Bring the Class, Not the Player Fail! (Ghostcrawler itt)- Needing to have a mix of melee and casters isn't a violation of "Bring the player." Many of our encounters are designed to discourage you to stack the raid too far in one direction or the other.

Welcome to tehoverpull. Yes, that’s right, the name is still the change. This week I’ve been so busy playing 3.3 that tehoverpull. that I have not been able to fight with it in order to get its name changed. I asked nicely and gave it a candy bar but it just spat it at me and ran around chasing its tail. Perhaps, tehoverpull. is really a cat. No one may ever know.

What do we have for you this week? Let’s just say it’s the “fail of the Lich King” HAHAHAHA get it? I replaced “fail” with “fall”. I am so witty. There is no one as witty as me. Continue on with theoverpull. to find more of my superior wit.

By the way, we have A LOT of 3.3 content out this week as you can see from above. Be sure to check it out. Speaking of content...

We've got an awesome special running right now. If you're a premium member you can become a premium member for life for $29.95. If you're a new premium member you can buy premium for life for $49.95. Click here for more details on it.You can read a lot more about premium there, but it's a really good deal and if you're renewing it's just $10 more never to worry about it again. Be sure to check it out.

Here’s the lineup this week

What’s the Buzz It Happened in /trade TTH WoW Forum Spotlight The Weekly Musing Loremaster's Corner This Week's Forum Post
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Patch 3.3 was released last week and the collective power of the Internet was able to make Blizzard take down the login servers for once. Can you imagine that? There were so many players that Blizzard flipped off their switch to keep players from logging. Of course, that didn’t help the massive load because everyone was getting instance not found as they tried to jam their way into every instance out there. The raids, this time around, were free of lag. That’s awesome, right?

Things are ice cold now, but it’s still dominating the news. There isn’t a story on the Internet about WoW right now that doesn’t have 3.3 tacked along to it. WoW 3.3 is everything at the moment and I ask, has it always been this way? Not really.

In the days of old patches came hard and fast. Since we don’t have a lot to talk about that any WoW fan wouldn’t already know, let’s take a quick history lesson.

In original WoW there were a total of twelve patches. It all started with the first patch, the launch patch which was 1.1 and introduced well, WoW to the world. That was November.

Patch 1.2 came in December of that year and introduced us to a new instance, Maraudon, which was supposed to help us level faster. Maraudon is pretty much huge and is a shining example of why the three new 5-mans are really just one 5-man split up three times. Instances like BRD, LBRS, and Maraudon are too large to do in one sitting unless you’re really set to doing it. Moving on, the next patch was 3 months later in March.

Patch 1.3 gave us Meeting Stones and Dire Maul. Learning from current complaints that instances took too long to complete they took Dire Maul and split it into three wings like they did with Scarlet Monastery. This had the problem that some wings were naturally better than others making it not nearly as worthwhile to do all of them. Another lesson learned.

Patch 1.4 came in June and gave us the honor system. That was just three months later. Honor was so hard to farm that 1.5 gave us Battlegrounds to help keep PvP out of Tarren Mill and Southshore. Blizzard, keeping us our toes, gave us the massive patch which included Blackwing Lair, Battlemasters, and the Darkmoon Faire in patch 1.6 which came one month later in July. Two months later Blizzard responded to how hard raiding was by introducing 1.7 with Zul’Gurub, adding Arathi Basin, and doing some itemization changes. ZG helped introduce people into raiding with smaller group sizes, easier accessibility, and a much lower gear requirement.

Patch 1.8 didn’t stop anything. In October we got the Emerald Dream dragons, Silithus, and later on the launcher. Patch 1.9 gave us AQ20/AQ40 WHICH ARE MASSIVE instances just at the start of the New Year!

Within a year we got nine patches. NINE! All of them massive in their own right and completely changed the game each time around. That announced the end of the massive wave of patches. 1.10 added weather and tier .5 in March, 1.11 was Naxxramas which no one got to raid, and 1.12 just added cross-faction BGs in August.

Most guilds collapsed and it was a dark time in WoW history, until January of 2007 when TBC launched. Patches started becoming more… like they are now. There were only four patches, introducing Black Temple in 2.1, voice chat in 2.2, Zul’aman in 2.3, and the Sunwell in 2.4. Sunwell came in March and it wasn’t until November of 2008 that WotLK came. The same formula works now, except we’ve only gotten three patches since it launched over a year ago.

We crave patches now more than ever. Before patches were common and we were rewarded with major innovation every other month. Now we wait 3-5 months to get the next “big” batch of changes at once and go crazy once we get them. The month before the new patch is boring. It’s like a roller coaster of feelings. How many of you hit your ceiling long before 3.3 came out? You know, that spot you can’t push forward content wise anymore *cough* heroic PvP champs *cough*.

Well, none of it matters, since my anecdotal evidence that there is still a ton of WoW players means that WoW is going really well doing what it is doing now. I still miss the days we get patch after patch after patch of new goodies.

Anyway, back to the news. Uh, well, servers lagged. The login servers were down. Everything is fixed and people are too busy to do anything newsworthy. Oh, and it’s a month until the next wing opens up because of the holidays.

Seriously, a month! Hey, gives everyone time to farm up the insane gear beforehand so they can chew through all of the new content as soon as it launches.

Hey our forums are open if you want to talk about any of this. Click here to find your way over to our community and put your two cents into the news this week.

Here is a comic. It's freaking awesome if you ask me.

If you're wondering, I don't get a lot of comments about the comic so I imagine a lot of you just like it and happy people don't talk, but I do the storyboards. They're stick figures. In this case, I was speaking to the artist when I said "you know what would make this 100x better, if holy cow's bird form was a cat with wings."

I think I'm right. Anyway, here you go:

Click to view the large version.

I'm currently tethered to my cellphone and unable to browse 99% of the web, but this thread looked awesome so I'm going with it:

Auto Dungeon Finder {Frackin Awesomesauce!}

Awesomesauce indeed. We've got a guide for it right here if you're interested.

This week’s question would be what do you think about 3.3, but I honestly believe enough talk about that is running on the forums.

Instead, this week, I ask you a simple question. What would you like to see more of and less of on WoW @ Ten Ton Hammer? If you want, feel free to post in the forum thread, or send your feedback to me at

I’m serious, I’d love to hear feedback from everyone on what you want to see, what you haven’t liked recently, what you have liked, and what you do and don’t want to see more. We’re here to help you guys in your game and give you a place to read about awesome stuff in WoW. Let us know what we can do for you.

I have exciting news for fans of the lore corner. We’re going to start doing an offshoot soon covering the lore focusing around cataclysm. We’ll keep having our fun around here. I’ll announce it more when all of the hubbub from 3.3 dies down a bit.

Alright, so the big question this week is who will take over when ‘ol Arthas is ganked by Maiev like Illidan. Oh, wrong expansion, I mean when ‘ol Arthas is ganked by Tirion when your raid gets him down by 25% (since we know Tirion has already done like 75% damage to him before!). We also know Arthas is as good as dead since there is never a “happy ending” in any Blizzard game. Seriously, what was the last game to end on a happy note? Warcraft I & II both end with everyone pretty much getting screwed up, Warcraft III ended with the Night Elves getting screwed over and the looming threat of the Scourge AND the Burning Legion. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne ended with Arthas being the Lich King. Starcraft ended with the Kerrigan winning. Rock ‘n Roll Racing lets you ditch your friends and the Lost Vikings are lost in Uldaman in WoW right now. Think about that one! Blackthorne… I’ve never played, but I’m sure it’s got a bad ending somehow.

Ok, just watched it, yep a cliffhanger.

So we know now that the Lich King has to exist in order to control the undead. The big question is who will do it. The answer is simple, Bolvar. Because we know Bolvar is alive and because we know we need someone who is probably been mistreated by the Lich King so bad that he now is somehow setup to control the forces. That or they’ll find Maiev and jam her into the suit of armor. So, with that question answered, we now must ask why the undead must be under control.

Well, there are a lot more undead than there are alive people on Azeroth right now. If the undead began marching on cities then they’d pretty much raze everything down. See, if they kill you then you come back as a zombie for their side. So there isn’t a real way to win when every death that they cause adds numbers to your side. This is why the launch into Icecrown is only done with Argent Champions (lore wise) and not just the regular footmen. So if they lose control then they’d just be set into “kill” mode and wipe everything out.

Of course, the next question becomes why doesn’t the new Lich King just march them into the volcano in Ironforge or Un’goro or order them all to kill themselves? That’s a good question but let’s think of what the undead have to offer Azeroth. The undead army and the power of the scourge is the ultimate weapon against The Burning Legion. Right now The Burning Legion is scared of The Lich King. Not for his power as a single person (you would not easily snare Kil’jaeden  and run away from him) but as his power to command an army where its only limit is the amount of corpses it can make out of yours.

So it’d be good to keep them around. Maybe the Ebon Blade or the Argent Crusade can chill around and keep an eye on the new Lich King?

Speaking of the Burning Legion let me tell you about how much I dislike what the WoW comic (WHICH IS CANON) does to the story. It’s like they’ve lost their mind and are writing the storyline while downing as much liquor as possible. Let’s talk about the latest issue which I got around to reading.

Alright, so we know that The Burning Legion is the de facto bad guy in the story. They are the reason for the First, Second, and Third Wars. They are responsible for The Lich King and for the destruction of the Well of Eternity.  The Burning Legion is the true bad guy of the story. Deathwing is nothing but filler. That dragon has been beat down more times than I can count and he’s just a no body compared to say Sargeras.

Well, Aegwynn defeated the Avatar of Sargeras 700 years or so ago. Aegwynn at the time was the Guardian of Tirisfal. The story was that Sargeras left a bit of him in her so when she gave birth to the next guardian, Medivh, he would be corrupted by Sargeras and open the portal for the Orcs to invade. His last act as Guardian was to manipulate the events so the good guys would win the Third War to redeem himself for you know, being the bad guy. He also stripped his mother, Aegwynn, of all of her magical powers. She was powerful too.

Well the comic picks up the story and adds in Garona, that half-orc assassin who kills King Llane, as the mother of Medivh’s lovechild! Med’an Halforcen is his name and he’s the new Guardian of Tirisfal. Sorry fans of Thrall taking up that spot. Med’an currently holds it. He also somehow has Ateish and uses in the latest comic to lift up AQ and drop it on Cho’gall’s head. So technically AQ is no more and in the process Aegwynn sacrifices herself.

We need a WarCraft IV to fix this and set the story back to making some sense. We’ve got a massive amount of canon comics, the main storyline, and all this other stuff just mixing together and making everyone who cares about the lore (the five people or so) get headaches. Of course, for everyone who hits accept as fast as possible and screams FAIL OF THE LICH KING then, by all means, let’s march forward.

Well, that’s this week’s lore ramble. I think.

That’s the lore corner this week and concludes The Overpull. Stay tuned next week for more awesome news, funny stories, lore, and questions rolled together in your ultimate WoW newsletter.

-David "Xerin" Piner

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016